Manfred Kridl

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Manfred Kridl (born October 11, 1882 in Lemberg , Austria-Hungary ; died February 4, 1957 in New York City ) was a Polish literary scholar.


Manfred Kridl was the son of an Austro-Hungarian military. He studied Polish and Romance languages ​​at the University of Lemberg , the University of Freiburg im Breisgau and in Paris. With the dissertation Stosunek Mickiewicza do Lamennais'ego w epoce towianizmu he received his doctorate in 1909 under Józef Kallenbach in Lemberg. Between 1907 and 1914 and after 1918 he worked as a teacher. Kridl was accepted into Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie in 1911 and worked from 1912 to 1914 as the company's secretary. He became a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian Army in World War I.

In 1921 he completed his habilitation at the University of Warsaw with the study Antagonizm wieszczów. Rzecz o stosunku Słowackiego do Mickiewicza , which went to press in 1925, and became an assistant professor at the university. In 1929 he received a teaching position for Slavic Studies at the University of Brussels and in 1932 a professorship for literary history at the Polish University of Vilnius . Between 1933 and 1939 he was a member of the editorial team of the historical literary journal Pamiętnik Literacki . Kridl supported the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne party in Vilnius. In 1939 Vilna was added to the state of Lithuania by the Hitler-Stalin Pact and Kridl fled to Sweden, from there to Belgium and on to the USA. Kridl worked from 1940 at Smith College in Massachusetts and in 1948 received a professorship in polonics at Columbia University in New York City. He wrote reviews for the Slavic Review .

Kridl's daughter, the historian Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier , published a memoir in Poland in 2002.

Fonts (selection)

  • Antagonizm wieszczów. Rzecz o stosunku Słowackiego do Mickiewicza . 1925
  • Bronisław Chlebowski : Literatura polska: 1795–1905 jako główny wyraz życia narodu po utracie niepodległości: z rękopisu wydał i przedmową poprzedził Manfred Kridl . Lemberg: Ossolineum, 1923
    • Bronisław Chlebowski: La Littérature polonaise au XIXe siècle. Ouvrage posthumous publié et complété par Manfred Kridl . Paris: Champion, 1933
  • Od trzeciego rozbioru do wystąpienia Mickiewicza (1795–1822): podręcznik dla szkół średnich . Warsaw: Wydaw. M. Arcta, 1926
  • Literatura na emigracji: podręcznik dla szkół średnich . Warsaw: Wydaw. M. Arcta, 1926
  • Literatura w kraju po r. 1830 . Warsaw: Wydaw. M. Arcta, 1930
  • Z zagadnień poetyki . 1931
  • Od pozytywizmu do wielkiej wojny. T. 1, Główne prądy literatury europejskiej: okres pozytywizmu . Warsaw: Wydaw. M. Arcta, 1931
  • Główne prądy literatury europejskie. Klasycyzm, romantyzm, epoka poromantyczna . 1931
  • Wstęp do badań nad dziełem literackim . Vilnius, 1936
  • Literaturę polską na tle rozwoju kultury . New York: Roy, 1945
  • (MHrsg.): Adam Mickiewicz - poet of Poland: a symposium . New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1951
  • A Survey of Polish Literature and Culture . New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1956
  • The lyric poems of Juliusz Slowacki , 's-Gravenhage: Mouton, 1958


  • Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier : Manfred Kridl: uczony, pedagog, działacz polityczny . In: Archiwum emigracji. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. ISSN 2084-3550. Vol. 7/8 (2006), pp. 357-365
  • Wacław Lednicki : Reminiscences: The Adventures of a Modern Gil Blas during the Last War . Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019 ISBN 978-3-11-103407-2 [contains a reference to Kridl's time in Brussels and a less than benevolent criticism]
  • Andrzej Karcz : The Polish Formalist School and Russian Formalism . Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2002 Chicago, Univ., Diss., 1999 ISBN 1-58046-110-7
  • Shamma Shahadat : Warsaw and Vilna Polonistics in the Interwar Period. Entry into the European field of literary theory , in: Bernd Stiegler , Sylwia Werner (Hrsg.): Laboratorien der Moderne. Places and spaces of knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe . Paderborn; Wilhelm Fink, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7705-6013-4 , pp. 235-252

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. journal articles by Manfred Kridl