Manfred Weihmann

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Manfred Weihmann (born April 16, 1938 in Halle (Saale) ; † March 24, 2006 in Berlin-Hellersdorf ) was Colonel of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) and head of the Rear Services Administration (VRD) of the MfS.


Manfred Weihmann was born in Halle an der Saale in 1938. His father worked as a typesetter , his mother as a tailor . After attending elementary school , Weihmann completed an apprenticeship as a hammer from 1952 and worked as such until 1956. In 1954 he joined the SED . In 1956 he found a job with the MfS in the district office (KD) Halle-Saale-Kreis and completed a two-year course at the University of the Ministry for State Security in Potsdam-Eiche . He then moved to KD Bitterfeld in 1958 and to KD Merseburg in 1961 . In 1966 he was transferred to Department XVIII (Economics) of the district administration (BV) Halle. There he was first deputy head in 1969, before he was transferred to the MfS in Berlin in 1971 as a personal representative of the head of the rearward services department (VRD) . He completed a six-year correspondence course at the University of the Ministry for State Security in 1972 as a qualified lawyer with a collective dissertation on the subject of the working methods of the Internal Security division in the operational groups of line XVIII of the Halle district to ensure the security and protection of growth-determining tasks and processes the economy . In 1974 he became deputy head of the VRD and in 1980 he was promoted to colonel. In 1989 he took over the management of the VRD, but was released from his position again in December 1989 due to the change in the GDR and finally dismissed in January 1990. He was later summoned as a witness in a process of unanswered questions about former MfS property. Until his death in 2006, Weihmann was a member of the " Initiative group for the protection of the social rights of former members of armed organs and the customs administration of the GDR ".


Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Günter Förster ( BStU ): Diploma theses and theses at the "Law School" (JHS) of the State Security in Potsdam
  2. See German Bundestag: Printed matter 13/10900 of May 28, 1998.
  3. Cf. Obituary for Weihmann in the club magazine ISOR aktuell April 2006, PDF .