Manuel Fernández Álvarez

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Manuel Fernández Álvarez (1995, seated right)

Manuel Fernández Álvarez (born November 7, 1921 in Madrid , † April 19, 2010 in Salamanca ) was a Spanish historian . He dealt mainly with the history of the 16th century , in particular with the person and work of Charles V and his son Philip II , but also with Miguel de Cervantes and Joanna of Castile , and wrote mainly biographies, some of which international bestsellers.


After attending school, he first studied philosophy and literature at the University of Valladolid , graduating in 1942 with a licentiate . In 1947 he received his doctorate at the Universidad Central de Madrid with a dissertation on " Philip II of Spain and Elizabeth I of England " ("Felipe II e Isabel de Inglaterra"). In 1950 he received a further doctorate at the University of Bologna , where he received the Premio Vittorio Emanuele for his dissertation.

He then began his professional career at the Supreme Council for Scientific Research (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC ) before accepting the position of Professor of Modern History at the University of Salamanca in 1965 . In 1976 he was the founder of the Colegio Universitario de Zamora.


He has received several awards for his books and his scientific historical research and has received, among others, in 1985 the National Prize of History of Spain (Premio Nacional de Historia de España), the Don Juan de Borbon Prize for the Book of the Year 2000 as well as the Don Quixote -Jahrespreis the Cervantes Society of Esquivias . Most recently he received the Premio Ortega y Gasset in 2006 .

He was made a member of the Royal Historical Academy ( Real Academia de la Historia ) in 1987 and an honorary member of the Portuguese Historical Academy (Academia Portuguesa de Historia) in 1992.


As a historian, Fernández Álvarez wrote around 40 specialist books, some of which became bestsellers and were also published in English , German and Japanese . His most famous works include:

  • Corpus Documental de Carlos V. 5 volumes, Salamanca 1973–1981, ISBN 84-600-6720-3 .
  • Carlos V: Un hombre para Europa (Karl V .: A man for Europe). Madrid 1976, ISBN 84-7232-122-3 .
  • Felipe II y su tiempo (Philip II and his time). Espasa, Madrid 1998, ISBN 84-239-9736-7 .
  • Juana la Loca, la cautiva de Tordesillas (Joan the Mad, the prisoner of Tordesillas). 1994.
  • Diario de un estudiante en tiempos de la Guerra Civil (diary of a student during the Spanish Civil War, autobiography). 2007, ISBN 9788467024876 .
  • Pequeña historia de España (Small History of Spain). 2008, ISBN 84-670-2831-9 .
  • España, Biografia de una Nacion (Spain: Biography of a Nation). 2010, ISBN 978-84-670-3265-9 .

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