Marc Zirlewagen

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Marc Zirlewagen (born February 19, 1970 in Rheinfelden (Baden) ) is a German journalist and student historian .


Zirlewagen attended the primary school in Schwörstadt , the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Rheinfelden and, from 1986, the Schloss Salem school . After graduating from high school, he was able to do his military service in 1989/90. From the winter semester 1990/91 he studied New History, Ancient History and Politics at the Philipps University in Marburg . In the winter semester 1992/93 he moved to the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . He completed internships at the Military History Research Office in Freiburg, at the Defense Technical Study Collection in Koblenz and the Command Academy of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg. In 1993 he was a student assistant at the Freiburg University Library . After an internship at the Federal Agency for Political Education , he worked as a freelancer at the State Agency for Political Education in Baden-Württemberg . He did other internships with the Oberhessische Presse in Marburg, the Federal Press Office in Bonn, the Second German Television and the Oberbadischer Volksblatt in Lörrach. After graduating with an MA , he did a traineeship at the Jaumann publishing house from 1997 to 1999 . 1999–2000 he was an editor at the Gmünder Ersatzkasse . In 2001 he switched to the Reconstruction Loan Corporation . 2012–2014 he received a scholarship from the Polytechnic Society Foundation in Frankfurt am Main. As part of the regional historical project “District Historian”, he dedicates himself to the history of Bockenheimer Landstrasse 102 . He wrote books about the history of his family and about the life of his grandfather, the mayor of Heitersheim and factory owner Gustav Zirlewagen (1900–1963).

As a member of the VDSt Marburg and the VDSt Freiburg in the Association of German Students' Associations , he worked from 1995 to 1998 and was most recently managing director in the Office for Civic Education of the VVDSt. From 1998 to 2000 he was editor of the Akademischen Blätter . In 2005 he was on the founding board of the German Student History Foundation . He sits on the board of trustees of the Matthias Glockner Foundation and is a member of the working group of student historians . He wrote numerous articles in the Biographical-Bibliographical Church Lexicon (BBKL).


  • Zirlewagen, Marc , in: Friedhelm Golücke : Author's lexicon for student and university history. (= Treatises on student and higher education, vol. 13), SH-Verlag, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89498-130-X , pp. 364–365.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marc Zirlewagen (
  2. Westend villa with history (KfW)
  3. "Good feeling to secure a piece of history" (Badische Zeitung, 2014)
  4. ^ "Never a hero or a victim" (Badische Zeitung, 2018)
  5. ^ Academic papers
  6. ^ Foundation of German Student History
  7. Marc Zirlewagen (Clio-online)