Maria Beinberg

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Coordinates: 48 ° 30 '  N , 11 ° 14'  E

Map: Germany
Maria Beinberg ( Bavaria )
Maria Beinberg pilgrimage church

Maria Beinberg is an Upper Bavarian pilgrimage site with a pilgrimage church north of Gachenbach in the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen . The Diocesan Region of Altbayern maintains a conference center on the 501 m high Beinberg in the Weilach valley .


Coat of arms of the community of Gachenbach

The conical mountain with the Marienkrone hovering over it refers to the pilgrimage church Maria Beinberg, which has been much visited since the 16th century and is visible from afar, which is the center and landmark of the Gachenbach community, which was formed in 1978 from the formerly independent communities of Gachenbach, Peutenhausen and Weilach. The "gache" (steep) mountain, in conjunction with the standing of the basic word "-bach" wave beams in the sign a fully for the community name Gachenbach canting image . The colors silver and blue in the coat of arms are reminiscent of the centuries-old dominance of the Wittelsbach family , which was also important as the manor (box office Aichach).

Originally, Knight Bernhard “the Preisser” donated a chapel on the Beinberg. Leonhard von Gumppenberg and Eucharius von Ötting expanded the chapel into a church. The consecration took place on October 7, 1500 in honor of the "Innocent Children". The patronage is celebrated on the birth of Mary (September 8th). After 1520 the pilgrimage developed. Also Pfalzgraf Ottheinrich pilgrimage before his conversion regularly on the leg mountain. One of the main reasons for a pilgrimage to Maria Beinberg is often an unfulfilled desire to have children.

From 1947 to 2014 Mariannhiller Missionare (CMM) were entrusted with the service of beneficiaries on Maria Beinberg. The pilgrimage curate Father Waldemar Regele converted the simple wooden hut next to the benefit house into a restaurant as a place of encounter and physical refreshment. In September 2014 Maria Beinberg was raised to the diocesan pilgrimage of the Diocese of Augsburg . The pilgrimage is now being looked after by the parish community Aresing - Weilach. The "Beinberger Talks" take place regularly in Maria Beinberg.

Pilgrimage church

The pilgrimage church is a baroque church from the last quarter of the 15th century. In the late 17th century the tower was raised and a chapel (now sacristy) was added. In 1767 the interior was redesigned. The sculptor Matthias Müller († 1688) was probably the creator of the high altar.

Frescoes (iconography)

The frescoes are by the prince-bishop of Augsburg court painter Ignaz Baldauf (1725–1795). They are not arranged arbitrarily, but they relate to each other. The theme of the frescoes opens up rich perspectives on the piety of the 18th century. Whoever enters the church and looks up at the ceiling of the nave sees a heart of Christian faith: Jesus Christ dies on the cross. Through his death he makes eternal life possible for people. The two criminals who were crucified with Jesus are also shown. According to the testimony of Luke's Gospel, the person portrayed on the left of Jesus (from the viewer) has repented of his guilt and Jesus promised him: “Today you will be with me in paradise” ( Lk 23,40-43  EU ). The pilgrim should understand: Even if he has incurred great guilt, he can be forgiven. He is at home with God. On the ceiling fresco one can read the saying of Jesus to the disciple John: "See, your mother." ( Jn 19,27  EU ). With this, Jesus gave his mother to be a mother to all people. The viewer should understand: The veneration of Mary can also help to get to know Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Nave ceiling painting: Crucifixion - Ecclesia

The oval fresco on the ceiling of the community room shows the crucifixion of Christ with many accompanying figures. A personification of the Church is visible across from the Crucified. The gusset medallions show the four evangelists .

Chancel ceiling painting: Mary as a refuge for sinners

The theme of the veneration of Mary is continued on the ceiling fresco in the choir room: Jesus defeats Satan in the form of a serpent with a staff of the cross. This means that Jesus conquered evil through his death on the cross. Mary points with her right hand to Jesus, her son, with her left hand to the sinners at the bottom of the picture. She is the mediator who wants to lead people to Christ.

Under a dome opening, Mary kneels on a cloud, next to her stands the baby Jesus as a triumphant and conqueror of evil on a globe. With his cross staff it kills the dragon (Satan), who then drops the apple of original sin. seven figures are grouped on the steps in the semicircle, personifying the seven deadly sins . They appeared here as repentant sinners at the moment of repentance and implore Mary as mediator between them and Jesus for forgiveness: Superbia (pride, vanity), Avaritia (greed, greed), Accedia (laziness, spiritual indolence), Gula (greed, gluttony ), Ira (anger), Luxuria (earthly love, indulgence), Invidia (envy, resentment).

Representations of typological models of Mary are arranged in stitch caps: Ark of the Covenant , Noah's Ark , Burning Bush and Judith .

Whoever leaves the church sees the personified church again on the main fresco: like Mary, the church also wants to give people access to Christ, the Savior.

More works of art in the nave

Votive tablets

The pilgrimage piety, which continues to this day, is evidenced by numerous votive and thanksgiving tablets.

Further architectural monuments

  • Former beneficiary house , two-storey saddle roof building with box oriel, built in the style of the homeland, by Heinrich Neu, 1910.
  • Passage chapel, 19th century; with equipment; below the church.

Individual evidence

  1. The holy hill - the pilgrimage church Maria Beinberg near Gachenbach is a very special place. What defines it and who makes the pilgrimage there. - ( Aichacher Nachrichten of November 14, 2015)
  2. Germany: Maria Beinberg and the Missionaries of Mariannhill ( Memento from October 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) - (Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland e.V.)
  3. Pictures testify to hardships and robbers - ( Aichacher Nachrichten of August 20, 2010)

Web links

Commons : Maria Beinberg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files