Maria Bobu

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Maria Bobu (born March 1, 1925 in Măgura, Buzău district ; † 2007 ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was Minister of Justice between 1987 and 1989, among other things.


Maria Bobu attended elementary school from 1932 to 1936 and was then first a domestic help between 1936 and 1944 and then from 1944 to 1949 a worker in a brush factory in Bucharest . During this time she became a member of the Communist Party PCR ( Partidul Comunist din România ; PCR) in 1945 and attended the Bucharest Law School between 1949 and 1950 and the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest from 1950 to 1952 . At the same time, she was a judge at the Urziceni court between 1950 and 1952as well as at the court of Ocolul. At the same time, she was a public prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor's Office for Railway Affairs from 1951 to 1955, and most recently in 1955 as a public prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor's Office. In 1959 she became the head of the prosecutor's office in Suceava County and in 1973 she was the prosecutor at the directorate for studies and records of the general prosecutor's office. In 1974 she became a member of the Executive Council of the Attorney General's Office. In addition, in 1974 she became a member of the executive office of the National Council of Women (Consiliului Național al Femeilor) and at the same time a member of the organizational office of the Party Committee of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Suceava County. On October 24, 1975 she also became a member of the Supreme Council for Sanitary Affairs.

Maria Bobu, who was married to the Minister of the Interior, Central Committee Secretary and Vice-Prime Minister Emil Bobu , was Deputy Minister of Justice from May 21, 1982 to October 5, 1987. At the same time, on May 24, 1982, she became inspector of the Public Prosecutor's Office. At a plenum of the Central Committee (ZK) on December 18, 1982 she became a candidate for the Central Committee of the PCR. At the thirteenth party conference of the PCR (November 19-22, 1984) she became a member of the Central Committee of the PCR and held this position until the collapse of communism in the course of the revolution on December 22, 1989 . In 1985 she became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) and represented constituency no. 5 Constanța-Nord in this until 1989 .

On October 5, 1987, Maria Bobu took over the office of Minister of Justice (Ministrul justiției) in the Dăscălescu II cabinet as successor to Gheorghe Chivulescu and held this office until the fall of the neo-Stalinist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu on December 22, 1989. She was also a member of the National Demography Commission and in December 1987 became head of the Romanian delegation to the Prague Conferences on Legal Affairs of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON). In 1988 she also became a member of the Executive Office of the Legal Society and Vice President of the National Council of Women.


  • Maria Bobu. In: Florica Dobre (ed.): Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționary. Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucharest 2004, ISBN 973-45-0486-X , p. 103 f. ( PDF; 12.1 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cabinet Dăscălescu II