Maria Catharina Stockfleth

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Maria Catharina Stockfleth (* around December 20, 1634 in Nuremberg ; † August 19, 1692 in Münchberg , Upper Franconia) was a German poet of the Baroque period .


Maria Catharina Stockfleth was a daughter of the theologian Johann Leonhard Frisch (1604–1673), who worked in Nuremberg first as a chaplain at St. Sebaldus Church and then as pastor at St. Egidien Church. She was married to the Hilpoltstein court preacher Johann Conrad Heden since 1653 . After his death in 1665, she married the theologian Heinrich Arnold Stockfleth , who was working in Baiersdorf , who was appointed superintendent of the Brandenburg-Bayreuthischen Unterland with the merged deaneries Neustadt an der Aisch and Baiersdorf in 1679 and with whom she moved to Münchberg (Oberland, today Upper Franconia) in 1683. came. Together with her second husband, she wrote the much-read two-volume shepherd novel The Macarie (1669 and 1673) decorated with art and virtue .

Since 1668 she was a member of the Pegnese Flower Order , into which she was accepted by Sigmund von Birken along with several other women. Her flower was the forget-me-not, her shepherd pseudonym was Dorilis . On the occasion of her acceptance of the order, she was also named a crowned poet by Birken .


Maria Catharina Stockfleth's importance lies less in the scope of her work than in the importance of her work. The second volume of the art and virtuous macarie is considered to be one of the first works that was written by a woman and focuses on the topic of "women". In addition to the Macarie , she is known as the author of a poem of homage to Margravine Sophie Luise of Brandenburg-Bayreuth and as the author of several devotional songs. Also of importance is the “speech of 'Dorilis'” from 1679, which is given as the motto on page VII in the Lexicon of Woods and Fürstenwald and identifies Maria Catharina Stockfleth as the champion of women's emancipation.

Sigmund von Birken wrote a beautiful poem that he wrote for the author of the Macarie in 1673:

Dorilis diß Blat's forehead only shows:
Who forms your spiritual brain for us, you
yourself did it: this book may go through here
whoever wants to see her beauty inside.


  • Ute Brandes: study room, poets' club, court society. Creativity and the cultural framework of female storytelling in the baroque era . In: Gisela Brinker-Gabler (Hrsg.): Deutsche Literatur von Frauen , Vol. 1, Darmstadt / Munich 1988, ISBN 3406331181 , pp. 229-236.
  • [Johannes Herdegen]: Historical news of the praiseworthy order of shepherds and flowers on the Pegnitz, beginning and progression / bit on that by Göttl. Quality reached the hundredth year… , Nuremberg: Christoph Riegel 1744, pp. 337–340.
  • Renate Jürgensen: Melos conspirant singuli in unum. Repertory bio-bibliographicum on the history of the Pegnese Order of Flowers in Nuremberg (1644–1744) , Wiesbaden 2006.
  • Georg Christian Lehms : Stockflethin (Maria Catharina) . In: Germany's Galante Poetinnen . Hocker, Frankfurt am Main 1715, p. 249 ( digitized on Wikimedia Commons ).
  • Max von Waldberg:  Stockfleth, Katharina Maria . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 36, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, p. 287.
  • Jean M. Woods, Maria Fürstenwald: writers, artists and learned women of the German baroque. A lexicon . Stuttgart 1984, pp. 122-123.

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