Maria Nice

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Maria Netter (born April 20, 1917 in Berlin ; † December 11, 1982 in Basel ) was a Swiss art critic , art journalist and photographer .

life and work

Maria Netter grew up in a Jewish family in Berlin and emigrated to Basel in 1936, where she studied theology and art history at the University of Basel . During her studies, Maria Netter began writing for the Basler Zeitung as an art consultant . In addition, her reports appeared from 1943 in the Basler National-Zeitung , in the St. Galler Tagblatt and in the Luzerner Neusten Nachrichten .

After completing her studies, Maria Netter worked as a freelancer for important Swiss art magazines and newspapers, such as Das Werk , Graphis and the Schweizer Monatshefte as well as for Die Weltwoche , the Zürcher Tat and the Schweizerische Finanzzeitung . Maria Netter was Georg Schmidt's assistant at the Kunstmuseum Basel from 1944 to 1945 .

Maria Netter advanced to become one of the most influential and courageous critics of the contemporary art scene in German-speaking countries and in Basel she played an important role in the development of the city into a modern art and culture city.

As a talented self-taught photographer, Maria Netter took photos with the Leica M3 and illustrated many of her publications with her own photographs. In addition, on their art forays a. a. Photos of artists, gallery owners, collectors, museum curators and exhibition institutions as well as their many friends.

Maria Netter's photographs are of outstanding importance for knowledge of the art world and its actors in Switzerland in the 1950s to 1970s. The photographs show the international artistic awakening after the Second World War and include various movements such as Abstract Expressionism , Pop Art , Minimal Art , Concept Art , Happening , Performance and Arte Povera .

As press spokeswoman and member of the specialist committee of Art Basel , Maria Netter was involved in the international success and rapid growth of the art fair, which was first held in 1970.

Maria Netter bequeathed her written estate to the Basel university library. After her death in 1982, she bequeathed her photographic legacy, which consists of around 20,000 units with around 10,000 art subjects, to the Swiss Foundation for Photography, which was then domiciled in the Kunsthaus Zürich . This estate has been on permanent loan from the Winterthur- based Swiss Photography Foundation to the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) in Zurich since 2013 . It comprises over 1900 black and white films with corresponding contact prints and individual subject enlargements. Around 600 photographs have now been digitized and published. (As of August 2020).


  • Rudolf Koella, Bettina von Meyenburg-Campell: eyewitness of modernity 1945–1975. Maria Netter art critic and photographer , Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2015, ISBN 978-3-7965-3487-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Inventory of the photo archive. Maria Nice. Sikart, accessed August 7, 2020 .