Marijonas Mikutavičius

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Marijonas Mikutavičius

Marijonas Mikutavičius (born April 19, 1971 in Lazdijai ) is a Lithuanian singer, musician and songwriter, television journalist and talk show host from Vilnius . He is known for his Lithuanian basketball anthem Trys Milijonai (2000) as well as the official Eurobasket 2011 song Celebrate Basketball and for representing his country in the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the band LT United .


With the boys' choir Ąžuoliukas , Presidential Palace 2009

At the age of nine, Mikutavičius moved with his family to Vilnius . After graduating from the 54th middle school in Justiniškės he graduated in 1994 to study journalism at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Vilnius University . During his studies at the university, Mikutavičius worked for magazines, newspapers (such as Vakaro žinios ("Evening News") and the daily newspaper " Lietuvos rytas "), as a reporter for the Lithuanian TV (LTV). He also played in the rock band Bovy , toured Europe and sang in the Scandinavian countries, Germany and Eastern Europe and won recognition as the best singer at the Liepājas Dzintars Latvian music festival in Liepāja in 1995.

Mikutavičius is the author of a number of hits that topped the charts in Lithuania. As the author of the popular song Trys Milijonai , he became a Bravo 2000 Music Prize winner (Bravo is a Lithuanian analogue of the BRIT Awards , nominated by the music industry).

Mikutavičius is the author of the basketball anthem “Nebetyli Sirgaliai” (2011), the anthem by BC Lietuvos Rytas Vilnius .


Mikutavičius is in a relationship with the 16 years younger stylist and fashion designer Ieva Daugirdaitė (* 1987) and has a son (* 2016) with her.


  • Bovy su Marijonu (1997)
  • Pasveikinkit vieni kitus (Intervid) (2004)
  • Baigėme mokyklą (Promostar) (2008)
  • Lengvas būdas mesti klausytis (2014)
  • Trys milijonai (Tangomanija records) (2000)
  • Bliamba, juk aš tave myliu (Bomba records) (2002)


Individual evidence

  1. life
  2. Interviu su M. Mikutavičiumi žurnale “Posh. Lt “ 2007 m. balandžio 5 d.
  3. Dizainerė I.Daugirdaitė: "Man akių nebado, jei gatve eina nestilingas žmogus" (Lithuanian newspaper Respublika )
  4. Tėvu tapęs M. Mikutavičius: "Laimė rėkia, seilėjasi ir čepsi" (daily newspaper Lietuvos rytas )
  5. Prezidentė įteikė valstybinį apdovanojimą Mikutavičiui