Marinus Cadart

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Marinus Cadart was a fountain master whose "origin, life dates and training are unknown". "He was probably a Frenchman ... possibly (also) working in Italy ". In Hanover it can be proven for the first time in 1674 and from 1676 to 1689.

Career and works (if known)

Marinus Cadart first came to Hanover from Denmark in 1674 . From 1676 he was employed as a fountain master for the expansion of the water art in Herrenhausen . Based on his designs, they were created in the Great Garden

  • the grotto 1677–1679 and 1684–1686
  • the cascade 1677–1684 / 85
  • the flat roofs and cave decorations of the palace wings

with the collaboration of the Augsburg grotto Michael Riggus .

In 1677, Cadart had two elevated water tanks built on the dune west of the Berggarten for the Great Garden , in order to connect them in 1686 with a water pipe from Benther Berg . However, since his attempts to supply water were unsuccessful, he was dismissed in 1689.

Current state of research

The activities of Marinus Cadart are probably more extensive than assumed according to the current state of research.

According to the memoirs written down by Christian Georg Vick , Cadart began building the garden theater in the Great Garden between 1689 and 1692 .


Individual evidence

  1. Both the Hannoversche Biographische Lexikon and the Stadtlexikon Hannover state 1694; According to the career, however, this is probably a typographical error; it should be called 1674