Martin Assig

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Martin Assig (* 1959 in Schwelm ) is a German painter who works with the technique of encaustic . He was a member of the Berlin artist group BOR.


Martin Assig was born in Schwelm (between Hagen and Wuppertal ) in 1959 and studied from 1979 to 1985 at the Berlin University of the Arts . In 1983 he was sponsored by a German National Academic Foundation. In 1985 he was a master student with Hans-Jürgen Diehl . In 1986 he received the art price of the city of Zweibrücken for painting and in 1993 the Käthe Kollwitz price . From 1992 to 1994 he was a scholarship holder of the Günther Peill Foundation . In 2000 he was a visiting professor at his alma mater. He lives and works in Berlin and in Brädikow, Brandenburg .

Since 1985 Assig's works have been shown in solo exhibitions at the Saarland Museum in Saarbrücken, the Kunsthalle zu Kiel (1996), the former Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst in Gent (1997), the Hamburger Kunsthalle (2000), the Spanish National Museum Reina Sofía (2001), the Weserburg Museum (2002 and 2005), the Museum Jena (2006, 2008 and 2010) as well as in group exhibitions at the Academy of Arts in Berlin , the Gezira Art Center in Cairo , the Art collection of Basel and 2010/11 the Marta Herford shown .

Works by the artist can be found in the Federal Art Collection , the Museum of Modern Art and the municipal museums in Jena .


The use of the painting technique of encaustic , which is seldom used, enables Assig to create pictures of great intensity and a special kind of color. The technology can be used to control the composition and density of the pigment in the liquid wax, thus influencing the color intensity and creating works of art with a slightly relief-like surface. Assig's pictures often show body parts or women in corsages and dresses. The body's own network structures of the blood or nerve tracts seem to be mapped outwards here. Symbols and signs are strung together to form structures in such a way that they appear ornamental or even organic. As a result, they are reminiscent of cell structures, water eddies and other basic forms of nature.

It is difficult to distinguish between the inner images and the images you've seen in your life. This link has a high conductivity for my work. There is always the idea of ​​painting impossible pictures. Pictures are completely silent and cannot be traced back to words. The things that can be read in the picture are confessions and intentions. Fragments, dissonances, incompatibilities are important. I hate any idea of ​​action in pictures. Standstill, image. I am looking for the hermetic. My pictures have to break away from me and become alien to me. "

- Martin Assig on the occasion of the exhibition “Collecting Passions” in the Museum Weserburg in Bremen, April 2005

In addition to painting, Assig's work includes drawings. He often uses paper that has been printed or previously used otherwise. The use of old techniques - such as paper cutting - here, too, evokes times gone by. Sometimes he also works with wood.

References and comments

  1. according to JK, Berlin group near Westernhagen , in: Kölner Stadtanzeiger from 5./6. November 1988
  2. In addition to Assig, BOR included the Berlin artists Klaus Hoefs, Oliver Öfelein, Jochen Stenschke and Detlef Günther
  3. according to Short biography at
  4. according to Article Martin Assig "Beute und Berge" ( Memento of the original from January 27, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. to an Assig exhibition on the website of the magazine Monopol
  5. a b c according to Information about the artist on the website of Galerie Doerrie-Priess
  6. according to an exhibition listing at
  7. according to Information collection of contemporary art of the Federal Republic of Germany at
  8. according to Information about The Collection on the website of the Museum of Modern Art
  9. according to Ideal images. New acquisitions by the Jena art collection at
  10. according to Quote on the website of the Reutlingen Art Association
  11. according to Alexandra Glanz, A xylographic rage. Martin Assig in the coach house , in: Tagesspiegel from November 15, 1988


  • Martin Assig, Westernhagen Gallery: Martin Assig, September 11 to October 8, 1987 , Cologne 1987
  • Martin Assig: A thousand reasons. Edited by Erik Stephan. Jena: Jena Municipal Museums 2008
  • Martin Assig: St. Paul. 652 drawings. Munich: Schirmer / Mosel 2015
  • Martin Assig: The big ones (St. Paul). Munich: Schirmer / Mosel 2017

Web links