Martin Friedrich von Heimburg

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Martin Friedrich von Heimburg (born June 27, 1690 ; † September 13, 1766 in Holzbaden ) was an Elector General of Hanover . He was the master of Landringhausen , Nordgoltern and wooden bathing.


He came from the Goltern line of the von Heimburg family in Brunswick . His parents were Jobst Heino von Heimburg (born January 17, 1659, † November 13, 1721) and his wife Sophie von Graevenitz . His father was a master at Landringhausen and Benzingerode as well as a captain and vice judge in Blankenburg.


Heimburg was Rittmeister in 1729 in the Schlütter regiment and in 1732 in the same regiment under Rathmann Major. In 1740 he joined the Wintzer Regiment as a lieutenant colonel, and in 1742 he moved to the Dragoons regiment von dem Bussche . He received the Launay Leib-Regiment in 1746 as a colonel and the Aldeleben Dragoon Regiment in 1751 . In 1754 he was promoted to major general and in April 1757 to lieutenant general. He retired in the same year and died in 1766 on his Holzbaden estate.

He fought with his regiment in the War of the Austrian Succession .


He married April 9, 1727 Gertrud Magarethe von Köhler († before 1766), a daughter of Anton Christian von Köhler from the Dedendorf family . The couple had at least two sons:

  • Wilhelm August (* January 17, 1728 - December 24, 1775), Rittmeister ret. D. ⚭ 1754 Marie Sophie von Hassel (* September 20, 1736; † 1819)
  • Heino Friedrich (* 1731; † young)


Individual evidence

  1. Louis von Sichart : History of the Royal Hanoverian Army. (Copy in Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) In: Volume 2, p. 474.1870 , accessed on July 29, 2020 .