Martin Mlecko

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Martin Mlecko (born October 15, 1951 in Essen , † September 25, 2016 in Berlin ) was a German photographer , conceptual artist and filmmaker.


Martin Mlecko started taking photos around the age of 10, initially with an Agfa box with which he took pictures on the street. He neglected to go to school, broke off his school career and began training as a designer at a private school.

In the 1970s he worked for advertising agencies. From the beginning of the 1980s, following a long stay in Kenya and the encounter with the novel Against the Line by Joris-Karl Huysmans , which has been of great importance to Mlecko ever since, he devoted himself exclusively to artistic projects. After his entire photographic archive was lost in 1982, he occupied himself with painting for many years.


Martin Mlecko began at the end of the 1980s to grapple with the possibilities of artistic influence on public space and an expanded communicability of art. He initiated the project "Art is The Peoples Project", which to this day addresses questions of artistic responsibility towards society. From this attitude he developed a series of self- curated exhibition projects that began with "Above the Tree Line" (1990). In collaboration with the art historian Wolfgang Schöddert, "Glück Auf" (1991) and "Pater Noster" (1993) followed. At the same time, the return to photography began. In addition to the installation series such as "The Things of Life", "Berlin / Berlin" and "BEAUTIES & beasts", Mlecko realized projects with "found visual material" such as "Private Life" (2000), a collectively valid German family album from the 1970s, -80s and -90s as well as "Heimweh" (2003).

In addition, Mlecko produced video works that are due to slowness and show everyday behaviors such as “waiting”, “dressing”, “shopping” etc. At the same time, he shot documentary portraits, e.g. B. "Königswalde / Berlin", (1st Berlin Biennale 1998). As a result, again in collaboration with Wolfgang Schöddert, he conceived numerous curatorial projects with his own work, such as the trilogy "Liebe Glaube Hoffnung". The “Loge” at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, a former porter's lodge with an area of ​​only 4 m², has become an institution: there Mlecko and Schöddert are showing works that deal primarily with the space in general and the location in particular.

At the same time, Mlecko was teaching “staged photography” at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art . Own productions, such as the cycle "Violence and Passion" created under film set conditions, a panorama that is considered an inventory of social abysses, were created during this time. The probably first self-sufficient video sculpture in public space “Waterfalls” (1998–2003) was created for a square in Moers . “7seas”, a video installation with the water and wave movements of the seven seas, was created as a result of voyages across the oceans in the years 2001–2003.

Due to his interest in the multitude of artistic forms of expression, Mlecko could not be fixed on a “ signature ”, but the desire for a comparison with social reality kept shining through. Mlecko considered the constant search for beauty in everyday life to be indispensable.


  • Les choses de la vie , Berlin 2013, Corinna Weidner (Ed.), Text contributions: Wolfgang Schöddert, Kay von Keitz, ISBN 3-86678-781-2
  • smooth trippin . Hamburg 2005.
  • Slavco Kacunco: Closed circuit. A guide to the history and theory of media art. Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-8325-0600-4 , pp. 698-699.
  • Corinna Weidner (Ed.): Homesickness. Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-89479-099-7 .
  • Corinna Weidner (Ed.): Private Life. Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7913-2649-X .
  • Corinna Weidner (Ed.): 7seas travel_log. Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-936384-68-1 .
  • Wolfgang Schöddert (Ed.): Paternoster. With contributions by Boris Groys , Paolo Bianchi, Constantin von Barloewen and others. a., 1994.
  • Kay von Keitz (Ed.) Z. 1994.
  • Wolfgang Schöddert (Ed.): Positions. 1993.
  • Good luck for. With contributions by Giancinto Di Pietrantonio, Andrea Pagnes, Johannes Stüttgen u. a., 1991.
  • Above the tree line. With contributions by Friedhelm Mennekes , Bettina Pauly, Andrea Pagnes, 1990.
  • Martin Mlecko works 1986–1989. Anderland Verlag, Munich 1989.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c biography on Retrieved April 6, 2010 .
  2. Privat Life on the artist's website. (No longer available online.), archived from the original on April 15, 2016 ; accessed on May 6, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /