Martin Schäuble

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Martin Schäuble, 2014

Martin Schäuble (pseudonym: Robert M. Sonntag ; born December 7, 1978 in Lörrach ) is a German journalist and author . His books have been translated into several languages.


Schäuble was already working as a freelancer in a local editorial office when he was still at school. After graduating from high school, he completed an internship at the daily newspaper Freie Presse in Chemnitz . He then worked as a news editor for the Free Press . He then studied political science in Berlin , Israel and the Palestinian Territories . The Otto Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin completed his doctorate in 2011 with a dissertation on the subject of jihadists - field research in the milieus. Analysis of Black Box Jihad .

The book The History of the Israelis and Palestinians (2007, together with Noah Flug ) depicts the Middle East conflict through conversations with contemporary witnesses. His dissertation resulted in his book Black Box Jihad , published in 2011 , in which he reconstructs the lives of two jihadists. For his travelogue Between the Borders , he crossed Palestine and Israel from the Golan Heights to the Red Sea on foot and by hitchhiking.

His fourth non-fiction book with a focus on the Middle East was published in 2016 with the title Instructions for Use for Israel and Palestine . In 2013 he published the dystopian novel Die Scanner under the pseudonym Robert M. Sonntag . His second novel, Endland , was published in 2017 . The protagonist Anton is spoken by Florian Lukas in the audio book version . The Hanover Theater premiered Endland . In February 2019 his third novel Die Gescanned (under Robert M. Sonntag) was published by S. Fischer. The AI thriller takes place in 2048 and is based on Die Scanner . His fourth novel, His Empire . is a father-son story that deals with conspiracy theorists, so-called Reich citizens and radicalized preppers.



  • 2000: Catholic Prize for Young Journalists
  • 2007: “The best 7 books for young readers” in November (Deutschlandfunk) for The History of the Israelis and Palestinians
  • 2007: “ Luchs ” in December (Die Zeit & Radio Bremen) for The History of the Israelis and Palestinians
  • 2008: Nomination for “The Best Science Book of the Year” (Austria) for The History of the Israelis and Palestinians
  • 2011: “The best 7 books for young readers” (Deutschlandfunk) in July for Black Box Jihad
  • 2012: Recommended list “Evangelical Book Prize” for Black Box Jihad
  • 2013: “The best 7 books for young readers” (Deutschlandfunk) in April for Die Scanner
  • 2013: Prize of the business club in the Literaturhaus Stuttgart for the scanner
  • 2016: Author residence "literary lighthouses" in Moscow (Goethe-Institut)
  • 2018: Nomination for the Hansjörg Martin Prize for Endland
  • 2018: Leipzig Reading Compass (Foundation Reading and Leipzig Book Fair) for Endland
  • 2019: Working grant for the book project "sein Reich"

Secondary literature

Web links

Commons : Martin Schäuble  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Foreign-language editions see the English-language website of Martin Schäuble: Books, [1]
  2. ^ Publisher page S. Fischer Verlag: Foreign Rights, [2]
  3. Aenne Glienke: Agency for authors and publishers on Martin Schäuble, [3]
  4. ^ Carl Hanser Verlag: Authors, Martin Schäuble
  5. Beckmann : Archive of the broadcasts, Peter Scholl-Latour, Souad Mekhennet and Dr. Martin Schäuble ( Memento from September 8, 2012 in the web archive )
  6. ^ Stephan Lorenz: The border crosser in the land of hatred. ( Memento from May 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: Freie Presse from February 20, 2013
  7. Herder Verlag: On the way in the land of the Israelis and Palestinians In: Herder Verlag Online from October 2014
  8. Instructions for use for Israel and Palestine. Retrieved April 4, 2017 .
  9. Cornelia Geissler: Reading in the year 2035. In: Frankfurter Rundschau of March 7, 2013
  10. ^ Carl Hanser Verlag: Endland. Publishing site
  11. ^ Oetinger Audio: Endland as an audio book. Publishing site
  12. Hanover Theater: New season. Theater side
  13. Hanover Theater: Endland. Based on the novel by Martin Schäuble, theater side
  14. ^ Publisher page S. Fischer Verlag: The scanned announcement
  15. Article by Sonja Stöhr for
  16. ^ S. Fischer publishing house: his empire. Publishing site
  17. 3Sat announcement text.
  18. Deutschlandfunk: The best 7 books.
  19. Die Zeit: Lynx December 2007
  20. 3sat: Between the borders
  21. Deutschlandfunk : The best 7 books for young readers. The Deutschlandfunk bestseller list in July 2011.
  22. Evangelical Book Prize of the Evangelical Literature Portal e. V .: List of recommendations 2012.
  23. Deutschlandfunk : The best 7 books for young readers. The Deutschlandfunk best list in April 2013.
  24. ^ Literaturhaus : Literaturhaus Stuttgart. Jury statement.
  25. ^ Goethe Institute : Author residence Martin Schäuble.
  26. Hansjörg Martin Prize. Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  27. Leipzig reading compass.
  28. ^ Association of German Writers in Baden-Württemberg.