Masumi Miyai

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Masumi Miyai (born September 4, 1958 in Kobe , Japan ; † April 15, 2019 in Düsseldorf ) is a Japanese artist .

Miyai was a master class student with Günther Uecker at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . In her work she dialogues with the natural sciences. She exhibited her works in Germany , Austria and the United States (e.g. in the Boston TransCultural Exchange ). In 1991 she took u. a. participated in the international artist symposium in Fort Kugelbake .

Exhibitions (selection)

Literature (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Günther Uecker u. a .: Artists and Scientists: A Study. Kunstakademie Düsseldorf , 1987. Developed from the meeting between the Uecker class and scientists from the Munich Society for Radiation and Environmental Research . OCLC 313771279
  2. a b
  3. Claus van Bebber , Jürgen Brodwolf , Doris Cordes-Vollert , Harald A. Finke , Wolf Glossner , Caspar Henselmann , Barbara Held , Masumi Miyai, Tomas Ruller , Ulrich Schünke , Igael Tumarkin , Timm Ulrichs , Martina Werner , Thomas Werner , Craig Wood , Jochen Wüstenfeld : Protecting, arming, indignant: International artist symposium in Fort Kugelbake , Cuxhaven 1991, August 17 - September 14, 1991. OCLC 905059654
  4. Hans Albert Peters , Ulrich Schillert and Karl-Heinz Schütz (eds.): Nature, signs, space: Japanese sculptors in Germany. Exhibition May 28, 1983 to February 29, 1984, Sculpture Park Seestern Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf: Sculpture Park Seestern, 1983, pp. 68–71. OCLC 15544828
  5. Nature, a study: Uecker and his students . Glarus: Verlag Galerie Tschudi , 1985, pp. 65–67. ISBN 9783859480032
  6. a b c Masumi Miyai on the basis wien website