Matthias Jarren

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Dirt road near Schlotfeld
Matthias Jarren

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Matthias Jarren (born April 15, 1872 in Itzehoe ; † July 19, 1960 ibid) was a German painter .


Matthias Jarren grew up in poor conditions in Itzehoe. At the age of twelve he had to help support the family by tending the cows at a farmer's for three years, from the beginning of May to the end of September. He reports on this in his autobiographical book Köh höh'n . During this time he made his first attempts at drawing and painting.

After an apprenticeship as a painter, he went on a roll , wandered through Germany, Italy, the Middle East and large parts of Russia. In the Caucasus he helped restore castles and churches. He also hired himself as a decorative painter. When Nicholas II was crowned tsar in 1894, he painted the theater sets for the festivities.

After returning to Itzehoe, he married in 1899 and went back to Russia with his wife and son. He succeeded in building a solid existence in Dnepropetrovsk until pogroms broke out there, which were also directed against all foreigners. Thereupon he finally returned to Itzehoe in 1904.

During the First World War , Jarren was called up to the Landsturm and served on the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal and on Sylt . On the North Sea island he met the Bohemian painter Wenzel Hablik (1881–1934), who had settled in Itzehoe. There are sketches by both artists that deal with the service in the Landsturm. This contact was also maintained later. Jarren designed the interiors in several Itzehoe houses based on Hablik's designs.


Jarren's work comprises several thousand paintings. There are also hundreds of watercolors and chalk drawings. They are mostly naturalistic representations of landscapes.

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

Group exhibitions

Publications (selection)

  • Matthias Jarren 1872-1960. Painter between Marsch and Geest , published by Hans-Peter Kruse on the occasion of the Jarren Memorial Exhibition in the Künstlerbund Steinburg e. V., Itzehoe 1979.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matthias Jarren. Biography of Hans-Peter Kruse, Munich
  2. A Heimatmaler als Magnet ,, March 2, 2010
  3. Autumn exhibition in the Künstlermuseum , Kieler Nachrichten from September 8, 2017
  4. ^ Overbeck Museum, earlier exhibitions