Matthias de Vries

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Matthias de Vries

Matthias de Vries (born November 9, 1820 in Haarlem , † August 9, 1892 in Leiden ) was a Dutch historian, linguist and literary scholar.


The son of pastor Abraham de Vries (born April 20, 1773 in Amsterdam, † November 3, 1862) and Hillegonda van Geuns (born May 9, 1791 in Harlingen, † March 25, 1866 in Haarlem), had the grammar school in Haarlem visited. On April 28, 1837 he enrolled at the University of Leiden , where he completed a degree in philosophical literature. Here John Bake , Antonie Rutgers , Johannes Matthias Schrant the Elder , Petrus Hofman Peerlkamp and Matthijs Siegenbeek became his formative teachers. In 1840 the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Groningen advertised a prize question, as did the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Leiden on the same topic. He answered this so satisfactorily that he received a gold medal from both universities. With the same further developed topic de Historia Polybii pragmatica , he received his doctorate on December 13, 1843 in Leiden as a doctor of philosophical literature.

On December 29, 1846 he became the second teacher at the grammar school in Leiden. On November 28, 1849 he was appointed professor at the University of Groningen , teaching Dutch language, rhetoric and national history. He took over this office on November 28, 1849 with the speech De heerschappij over de taal; het beginsel der welsprekendheid . On July 7, 1853, he was appointed professor of Dutch literature and history at the University of Leiden by royal decree. He took on this task on October 29, 1853 with the inaugural speech De Nederlandsche taalkunde in haren aard en hare strekking . From 1860 his work focused on the Dutch language and literary history. In his capacity as a university lecturer in Leiden, he also took part in the university's organizational tasks and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1873/74 .

He put down this task with the speech Oratio de Academia Lugduno-Batava Libertatis praesidio . In his work he was strongly influenced by German currents, especially by the work of Jacob Grimm . His most important major work is a first dictionary of the Dutch language that was developed with Lammert Allard te Winkel (1806–1868) from 1864 to 1882 . With his work on the Dutch language, he is considered to be the creator of scientific Dutch studies and has made a lasting name for himself in the history of Dutch spelling . In the course of his time he received several honorable appointments in the learned societies of his time.

On June 20, 1844, he became a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden, on April 12, 1849, he became a member of the Institute and on February 23, 1855, he became a member of the successor organization to the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences in Amsterdam . He was also a foreign member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin , a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and an external honorary member of the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde in Ghent. He was also a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion . He retired from his professorship on June 6, 1891 and retired on September 15, 1891. In 1991 the Matthias de Vries-genootschap (Matthias de Vries Society) was founded under his name, whose members deal with Dutch dictionaries.


De Vries was married twice. His first marriage was on May 30, 1849 in Leiden with Cornelia Wilhelmina van der Hoop (* September 20, 1822 in The Hague, † July 22, 1850 in Groningen), the daughter of Alexander Willem van the Hoop and the Jacqueline Macquelijn. There is a son from the marriage. His second marriage was on April 4, 1855 in Deventer with Geertrui Johanna Gockinga (* March 8, 1824 in Groningen, † December 3, 1890 in Leiden), the daughter of Scato Gockinga (* July 27, 1788 in Groningen; † 7 March 1852 ibid) and Geertruida Johanna Cornelia Wichers (born April 27, 1794 in Groningen, † April 25, 1845 ibid). The marriage has a daughter and two sons. From the children we know:

  • Abraham (Bram) de Vries (* July 21, 1850 in Groningen, † November 10, 1888 in Soerabaja (Indonesia)) married. April 6, 1888 in The Hague with Theodora Wilhelmina Johanna Coninck Liefsting (born June 24, 1861 in Assen, † March 16, 1922 in Nervi (Italy))
  • Hildegonda de Vries (born December 1, 1858 in Groningen, † December 1, 1881 in The Hague)
  • Scato Gocko de Vries (born June 16, 1861 in Leiden, † February 8, 1937 there) married. October 18, 1888 in The Hague with Sara Catharina de Vries (* May 24, 1867 in Amsterdam, † June 10, 1947 in Oegstgeest)
  • Johan Herman de Vries (born May 10, 1863 in Leiden, † August 23, 1923 in Zutphen) married. on May 24, 1893 in Zwolle with Jacoba Eindhoven (born December 29, 1867 in Zwolle, † April 9, 1956 in Bilthoven)

Works (selection)

De Vries had written a large number of articles and essays in various specialist journals and journals of his time. Therefore, only the works published in separate print should be mentioned here.

  • PC Hooft, Warenar, met eene inleiding en aanteekeningen Leiden 1843, 1845 ( online )
  • Specimen literarium inaugurale de Historia Polybii pragmatica. Leiden 1843
  • The leken Spieghel, Leerdicht from the year 1330, by Jan Boendale signed Jan de Clerc, schepeklerk te Antwerp. Leiden 1844, 1st volume ( online ); 1845 2nd vol. ( Online ); 3rd vol. 1848 ( online ); 4th vol., 1st part 1847 ( online ); 5. Vol. 1848 ( online )
  • Letter to Dr. WJA Jonckbloet, bijdrage tot de kritiek en verklaring van Karel den Groote en zijne XII pairs. Leiden 1845
  • De Nederl. taalkunde, beschouwd in hare vroegere geschiedenis, tegenwoordigen toestand en eischen voor de toekomst. Haarlem 1849
  • De heerschappij over de taal, het beginsel der welsprekendheid. Groningen 1850
  • Mededeelingen. 1850 ( online )
  • Ontwerp van een Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Failure of the Commissie, in de vergadering van het derde Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te Brussel, August 31, 1851, voorgedracht door Dr. M. de Vries, hoogleeraar te Groningen. Groningen 1852
  • De Nederlandsche taalkunde in haren aard en hare strekking. Redevoering ter aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt aan de hoogeschool te Leiden, October 29, 1853 uitgesproken by Dr. M. de Vries. Haarlem 1853 ( online )
  • Failure of the Redactie van het Nederlandsch Woordenboek, in de vergadering van het vierde Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te Utrecht, 22 September 1854, voorgedracht door Dr. M. de Vries. Haarlem 1854
  • Failed by the Redactie van het Nederlandsch Woordenboek, in de vergadering van het vijfde Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te Antwerp, 16 Aug. 1856, voorgedracht by Dr. M. de Vries. Haarlem 1856
  • De visscherijen, heeten het Vroon, ten jare 1433 aan de stad Leyden on lease. Leiden 1858
  • The North Frisian language, according to the Moringen dialect, van B. Bendsen, met eene inleiding. Leiden 1860 ( online )
  • Failed by the Redactie van het Nederlandsch Woordenboek, in de vergadering van het zesde Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te 's Hertogenbosch, September 11th 1860, proposed by Dr. M. de Vries. Haarlem 1860
  • Failure of the Redactie van het Nederlandsch Woordenboek, in de vergadering van het zevende Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te Brugge, September 10th 1862, voorgedracht by Dr. M. de Vries. Haarlem 1862
  • Toespraak bij het graf van JG Hulleman, op het kerkhof buiten Utrecht, 3 June 1862. Eighth: 'In memoriam Iani Gerardi Hulleman allocutio ad commilitones quam die IV M. Junii MDCCCLXII habuit CG Cobet'. Leiden 1862
  • De grondbeginselen der Nederlandsche spelling. Ontwerp the spelling voor het aanstaande Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Leiden 1863
  • Jacob van Maerlant's Spiegel Historiael, met de fragments der later toegevoegde Gedeelten, brought about by Philip Utenbroeke en Lodewijk van Velthem, vanwege de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden uitgegeven by Dr. M. De Vries and Dr. E. Verwijs. Leiden 1863, 3rd vol.
  • Toespraak tot de students of the Leidsche Hoogeschool, bij de vaderlandsche feestviering op 19 November 1863, door Dr. M. De Vries, hoogleeraar. Leiden 1863
  • Woordenboek of the Nederlandsche Taal. 1864–1882 with Lammert Allard te Winkel
  • Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek. The Hague, Leiden-Arnhem 1864 ( online )
  • Mededeelingen en Opmerkingen concerning het Nederlandsch Woordenboek, in de vergadering van het eighth Nederlandsch Letterkundig Congres, te Rotterdam, September 12th 1865, presented by Dr. M. De Vries. The Hague-Leiden-Arnhem 1865
  • Woordenlijst voor de spelling der Nederlandsche taal, door Dr. M. De Vries and Dr. LA Te Winkel, leden of the Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen. The Hague-Leiden-Arnhem 1866 ( online )
  • Feestrede bij de onthulling van het Gedächteeken van Leidens ontzet, the October 1884, uitgesproken by M. De Vries, Voorzitter of the Commissie tot oprichting van heteeken. Leiden 1884


  • A. Kluyver: VRIES (Matthias de) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 1. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1525–1527 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1911, reprint unchanged).
  • A. Kluyver: Levensbericht van Matthias de Vries. In: Handelingen en mededeelingen van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden, over het jaar 1892-1893. EJ Brill, Leiden 1893, pp. 39-108 ( online )
  • J. Verdam: Levens report M. de Vries. In: Jaarboek van de Kon. Academy van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam 1892, pp. 79–126 ( Online PDF )
  • Karina van Dalen-Oskam: De idealistic lexicograaf, Matthias de Vries (1820-1892). In: Win van Anrooij, Dini Hogenelst, Geert Warnar: Der vaderen Boek. Beoefenaren van de study of the Middelnederlandse letterkunde. University Press, Amsterdam, 2003, ISBN 9053566414 , pp. 61–76 ( limited preview in Google book search)

Web links

Commons : Matthias de Vries  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Holger Krahnke: The members of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen 1751-2001 (= Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philological-Historical Class. Volume 3, Vol. 246 = Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Mathematical-Physical Class. Episode 3, vol. 50). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-525-82516-1 , p. 249.