Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven

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Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (* before 1592 ; † 1670 ) was canon in Münster and Paderborn.


Origin and family

Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven came as the son of Wilhelm von Nesselrode († 1620, bailiff zu Blankenberg) and his wife Anna Freiin von Loe (1592-1650) of the Westphalian noble family von Nesselrode . From this, which had its headquarters from 1396 to 1921 in Ehreshoven Castle , numerous bailiffs and councilors in Bergisch services as well as canons and canons emerged. Matthias had five siblings: Anna Sybilla was married to Friedrich von Schellart, Jesine Elisabeth to Johann von Wylich . Bertram (1593–1687) was an hereditary treasurer and married to Lucia von Hatzfeld . Johann Heinrich was a knight of the Teutonic Order . Wilhelm died in Prague in 1620. On September 11, 1623 he married Maria Elisabeth von Wylich . The daughters Anna Catharina (Kanonisse in Rintrup) and Anna Johanna Sebastiana (∞ Franz Wessel von der Recke ) as well as the sons Franz, Johann Matthias , Johann Bertram , Johann Sigismund , Johann Wilhelm and Johann Salentin emerged from the marriage .


By receiving the tonsure on 22 December 1615 Matthias was prepared for a spiritual life and brought up on 11 January 1616 the Aufschwörung on gender Nesselrode, Loe, plug and Flosdorf in the possession of the Dompräbende of the late Canon John of Hüchtebrock in Munster . Matthias was also canon in Paderborn . On February 6, 1623 renounced it to the prebends and married.


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