Johann Sigismund von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven

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Johann Sigismund Adolf Bertram Freiherr von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (* 1635 ; † March 10, 1703 in Hildesheim ) was canon in the Principality of Münster .


Origin and family

Johann Sigismund Adolf Bertram von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven came as the son of Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (1592-1670) and his wife Maria Elisabeth von Wylich († 1656) of the Westphalian noble family von Nesselrode . From this, which had its headquarters from 1396 to 1921 in Ehreshoven Castle , numerous bailiffs and councilors in Bergisch services as well as canons and canons emerged. Johann Sigismund had seven siblings: Anna Catharina (Kanonisse in Rintrup) and Anna Johanna Sebastiana (∞ Franz Wessel von der Recke ), Franz, Johann Matthias , Johann Salentin , Johann Bertram and Johann Wilhelm .


On December 31, 1665, Johann Sigismund received from the cathedral dean the commission for the cathedral priest , which his brother Johann Salentin had previously waived. On May 18, 1666, he was presented to the Münster prebende and sworn to the families Nesselrode, Wylich, Loe and Brempt . In the following year, Johann Sigismund gave up. However, this waiver did not take effect because it was on display in Orléans. By papal judgment, Christoph Heidenreich Droste zu Vischering came into possession of the benefice. On December 19, 1674, Johann Sigismund was presented to the canon Friedrich Anton von Wylich on the basis of papal approval. After the resignation in 1679, it was presented again on September 2, 1688 for the preamble of the late Canon Ignaz von Wolff-Metternich. Johann Sigismund was also canon in Hildesheim .


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