Johann Bertram von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven

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Johann Bertram Freiherr von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (* 1624 ; † 1712 ) was canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Johann Bertram von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven came as the son of Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (1592-1670) and his wife Maria Elisabeth von Wylich († 1656) of the Westphalian noble family von Nesselrode . From this, which had its headquarters from 1396 to 1921 in Ehreshoven Castle , numerous bailiffs and councilors in Bergisch services as well as canons and canons emerged. Johann Bertram had seven siblings: Anna Catharina (Kanonisse in Rintrup) and Anna Johanna Sebastiana (∞ Franz Wessel von der Recke ), Franz, Johann Matthias , Johann Sigismund , Johann Wilhelm and Johann Salentin . In 1657 Johann Bertram married the baroness Maria Margaretha von Harff († 1689). From this marriage came the son Johann Bertram Wilhelm von Nesselrode († 1705), who married Maria Luisa von Brabeck in 1693. Their daughter Charlotte (1698–1726) was married to Johann Rudolf von Twickel (1684–1759, Landdrost in Rheine-Bevergern). Their children were Clemens August (Amtsdroste) and Jobst Edmund (Canon).


On March 20, 1637 was of Asbeck for Johann Bertram after the death of Adolf canon Münstersche Dompräbende presented. He was emancipated on July 14, 1648 after submitting a certificate from the University of Paris. After he renounced on October 24, 1656 , he married the baroness Maria Margaretha von Harff zu Dreiborn a year later.


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