Johann Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven

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Johann Matthias von Nesselrode (* after 1623 ; † before August 18, 1674 ) was canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Johann Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven came from the Westphalian noble family von Nesselrode as the son of Matthias von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven (1592-1670) and his wife Maria Elisabeth von Wylich († 1656) . From this, which had its headquarters from 1396 to 1921 in Ehreshoven Castle , numerous bailiffs and councilors in Bergisch services as well as canons and canons emerged. Johann Matthiass had seven siblings: Anna Catharina (Kanonisse in Rintrup) and Anna Johanna Sebastiana (∞ Franz Wessel von der Recke ), Franz, Johann Sigismund , Johann Salentin , Johann Bertram and Johann Wilhelm .


On March 6, 1655 Johann Matthias was succeeded by his brother Johann Wilhelm as Canon presented and adopted on 8 May of the year owned by the Münster Dompräbende who previously had Johann Heinrich von Rhede. The emancipation fell on June 9, 1662, after Johann Matthias had presented his degree certificate from the University of Paris. On November 19, 1672 he opted for the archdeaconate Stadtlohn . Shortly before his death he renounced the benefice.


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