Mattia Bortoloni

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Self-portrait in the fresco of the dome of the Villa Cornaro, 1716/17

Mattia Bortoloni (born May 31, 1696 in Canda or San Bellino near Rovigo , † June 9, 1750 in Milan ) was an Italian painter.

Bortoloni was a student of Antonio Balestra in Verona . He worked mainly in the Venice area and Bergamo . Frescoes in churches and private houses as well as altar paintings are known by him.

In 1950 Nicola Ivanov discovered that Bortoloni was the painter of the frescoes in the Villa Cornaro in Piombino Dese near Padua , which were commissioned in 1716. Further works are in the churches of Castelguglielmo and Fratta Polesine , in the church of San Nicolò da Tolentino ( Theatine Church) in Venice (frescoes, around 1730), in San Vittore in Milan (frescoes), in San Bartolomeo in Bergamo (frescoes), in Turin (Consolata, frescoes), in the Santuario della Madonna di Vico near Mondovì (frescoes), im Palazzo Ca 'Rezzonico in Venice (ceiling painting) and the Palazzo Ca' Vendramin Calergi in Venice. He was also involved in the ceiling frescoes of the Basilica of Vicoforte from 1746 to 1748 (with Giuseppe Galli Bibiena and Felice Biella).

In San Zanipolo in Venice there is his painting Madonna with the Martyrs John and Paul , in the Cathedral of Ferrara the miracle of preaching of St. Peter and in S. Trinitate in Rovigo the alms miracle of St. Thomas of Villanova.


  • Bortoloni, Mattia . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 4 : Bida – Brevoort . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1910, p. 379 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Antonio Romagnolo: Mattia Bortoloni. Tebaldi, Rovigo 1989.
  • Martina Frank: Bortoloni, Mattia . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 13, Saur, Munich a. a. 1996, ISBN 3-598-22753-1 , p. 135.
  • Fabrizio Malachin, Alessia Vedova (eds.): Bortoloni, Piazzetta, Tiepolo: il '700 veneto. Silvana Editore, Milan 2010, exhibition catalog.
  • Filippo Pedrocco, Massimo Favilla, Ruggero Rugolo: Frescoes of the Veneto: Venetian Palaces and Villas. Vendome Press, 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nicola Ivanoff: Mattia Bortoloni e gli affreschi ignoti della Villa Cornaro a Piombino Dese. Arte Veneta, 1950, pp. 123-130.