Maurice Gendron

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Maurice Gendron (born December 26, 1920 in Nice , † August 20, 1990 in Grez-sur-Loing , Département Seine-et-Marne ) was a French cellist .


Maurice Gendron studied at the Nice Conservatory and the Paris Conservatory . He was best known for the first performance of Prokofiev's cello concerto op. 58 in Western Europe, together with the London Philharmonic Orchestra under Walter Susskind . He played with Yehudi Menuhin and his sister Hephzibah Menuhin for 25 years in the trio they founded together.

From 1954 Gendron was professor of the master class in Saarbrücken and from 1970 in Paris . He also taught at the Yehudi Menuhin School .

Gendron played a Stradivarius cello from 1693, which is now named after him. It was later played by Maria Kliegel .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary Der Spiegel, August 27, 1990
  2. Maurice Gendron
  3. Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1693, the 'Gendron, Lord Speyer' (English)
  4. Interview with Maria Kliegel in The Strad , March 2006, p. 51 ( PDF ), see infobox.

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