Mauvoisin (noble family)

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The house of Mauvoisin was a family of the subordinate feudal nobility of the Frankish Vexin ( Francia , Île-de-France ) in high medieval France , which existed from the 11th to the 14th centuries.


The progenitor of the family was Rudolf I, who called himself “Malusvicinus cognomento ad Barbam” in a diploma he created, which translates as “the bad neighbor, called with the beard”. With this diploma he confirmed a donation of land near Bonnières-sur-Seine in favor of the Abbey of Coulombs , with which he probably intended to atone for a previous offense at the abbey, which should identify him as one of those feuders and robber barons who were responsible for France in the 11th century. Century were characteristic. The name addition Malusvicinus developed into a real gentile name , under which the first generations of the descendants of Rudolf I were well known and were named in diplomas and narrative chronicles, similar to the Trencavel in Carcassonne or the Taillefer in Angoulême .

The other documents show that Rudolf I was a follower of Count Walter III in 1055 and 1060 . von Vexin appeared and temporarily served as Vice Count of Mantes . As the geographical home of the family, the area on the left, southern bank of the Seine west of Paris can be identified, in today's Yvelines department , which some place names such as Boissy-Mauvoisin , Fontenay-Mauvoisin and Jouy-Mauvoisin still refer to today. In the 12th century the Mauvoisin built the castle of Rosny about three kilometers west of Mantes on the left bank of the Seine , which became the family seat and after which the later generations were mostly called "von Rosny".

The Mauvoisin never got above the rank of the subordinate castle nobility during their existence. With Samson Mauvoisin († 1161), elected Archbishop of Reims in 1140 , only one family member could rise to the top of the French church hierarchy. Some relatives became known primarily as crusaders and battle participants. Peter Mauvoisin became a knight in the household of King Philip II August and in 1214 one of the heroes of the Battle of Bouvines , where his attempt to capture Emperor Otto IV provoked his escape from the battlefield. Robert III Mauvoisin († 1217) was a prominent follower of Simon von Montfort on the Albigensian Crusade and was also active as a trobador .

In the early 14th century, the male line died out. Rosny-sur-Seine was passed on to the Beaussart, Melun and most recently Béthune families through several inheritances . In the 16th century the statesman Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully , was born in the castle , who had the castle that can be seen today built on the site of the old castle.

coat of arms

Tribe list

The master list of the Mauvoisin was reconstructed by Joseph Depoin († 1924) on the basis of the existing documents, which, however, are not free from assumptions. Especially the Roberts III affiliation he accepted. Mauvoisin († 1217) from Rudolf IV. Mauvoisin is not proven beyond doubt. A paternity of Robert II Mauvoisin, who died before 1177, also appears possible.

  1. Rudolf I. Mauvoisin "with the beard" (gen. 1055, 1060); ⚭ Eva
    1. Robert I. Mauvoisin
    2. Rudolf II. Mauvoisin; ⚭?
      1. Rudolf III. Mauvoisin "the bearded one"; ⚭ Odesinde
        1. Rudolf IV. Mauvoisin; ⚭ 1. Brita; ⚭ 2. NN from Aulnay (?)
          1. (I) Rudolf V. Mauvoisin, Lord of Rosny († 1198)
          2. (I) Wilhelm II. Mauvoisin, Lord of Rosny († ~ 1198/1201); ⚭ Adeline
            1. Guido III. Mauvoisin, Herr von Rosny; ⚭ Alix
              1. Guido IV. Mauvoisin, Lord of Rosny († before 1262); ⚭?
                1. Guido V., Lord of Rosny († 1311); ⚭ Isabella von Mello ( Mello House )
                  1. Guido VI., Herr von Rosny; ⚭ Laura von Aumale, daughter of Johann I , Count of Aumale
                    1. Guido VII., Lord of Rosny; ⚭ Roberta von Beaumetz
                      1. Laura von Rosny; ⚭ Robert von Beaussart
                      2. Beatrix von Rosny; ⚭ Johann von La Ferté-Fresnel
                      3. Margarete von Rosny; ⚭ Robert von Harcourt, Lord of Beaumesnil
                    2. Ida von Rosny; ⚭ Johann III. († 1331), Count von Dreux ( House of France-Dreux )
                  2. Johanna von Rosny († after 1310); ⚭ Robert of Tancarville (X July 11, 1302 near Courtrai ) ( House Tancarville )
                  3. Isabella von Rosny; ⚭ 1. Peter of Chambly; ⚭ 2. Johann von Heilly; ⚭ 3rd John II , Count of Sancerre († 1327)
                  4. Margarete von Rosny († after 1327); ⚭ Peter von Heilly
              2. Wilhelm IV. Mauvoisin
              3. Alix Mauvoisin; Wilhelm von Senlis, Lord of Chantilly
            2. Rudolf VI. Mauvoisin
            3. Robert IV. Mauvoisin (gen. 1209); ⚭ Elisabeth Morhier
            4. William III. Mauvoisin
          3. (I) Manasses II. Mauvoisin
          4. (I) Peter Mauvoisin, Lord of Nonancourt and Saint-André († before 1234); ⚭ Agnes
            1. Johann Mauvoisin (gen. 1234)
            2. Rudolf, lord of Saint-André (gen. 1228 and 1238); ⚭ Adeline from Chevreuse
          5. (I) Agnes Mauvoisin, Abbess of Saint-Antoine-des-Champs († 1240); ⚭ Drogo from Cressonsacq
          6. (I) Johanna Mauvoisin
          7. (I) Regina Mauvoisin
          8. (II) Robert III. Mauvoisin († 1217); ⚭ Cecilia from Chevreuse
            1. Isabella Mauvoisin (gen. 1238); ⚭ Adam of Beaumont-en-Gâtinais
        2. Wilhelm I. Mauvoisin
        3. Manasses I. Mauvoisin
        4. Samson Mauvoisin , Archbishop of Reims († September 21, 1161)
        5. Robert II. Mauvoisin († before 1177)
      2. Hugo Mauvoisin
      3. Evrard Mauvoisin
      4. NN; ⚭ Hugo of Courcelles
      5. Guido II. Mauvoisin
    3. Guiardus / Guido I. - allegedly the progenitor of the lords of La Roche-Guyon
    4. Guierricus de Porta
    5. Eudeline; ⚭ Ansoud Le Riche


  • Joseph Depoin, Sur les vicomtes de Pontoise et de Mantes des familles Deliés et Mauvoisin. In: Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Martin de Pontoise, Vol. 3 (1901), pp. 250-269.

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