Mavro Orbini

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Mavro Orbini , also Mavar Orbin , (* 1563 in Ragusa , Republic of Ragusa ; † 1614 ) was a Ragusan Benedictine monk , Dalmatian intellectual and historian.


At the age of 15 Orbini became a Benedictine monk in the St. Mary's monastery on the island of Mljet . He also lived in the monastery at Ston , which was part of the Ragusa Republic. In 1592 he became prior of St. Andrew's monastery on the island of Rab , in 1593 abbot of St. Michael's monastery on the island of Šipan . In 1597 he was elected by Pope Clement VIII as abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary in the Batschka . After many years of monastic life, he returned to Ragusa and stayed there until his death.


In 1601 his book " Regno de gli Slavi " was published in the Italian city of Pesaro . The book was a first attempt to present the history of the Slavic peoples chronologically. In his work Orbini quoted many ancient and medieval historians whose writings have not survived to this day.

Regno de gli Slavi was banned by the Catholic Church in 1603 because it was based on sources that were banned as "heretical" texts .

The book has long served as an important source for the history of various South Slavic ethnic groups such as Croats , Slovenes , Serbs , Bosniaks and Bulgarians . Today it is considered uncritically written and many scholars do not consider it a reliable historical source.

Orbinis from the available chronicles and orally of traditional narrative in long verses of Bugarštice and zehnsilbiger Serbian Volksepik compiled description of the Battle of Kosovo was a direct model of the anonymous prose legend of Kosovo Polje , which total over a period of 150 years in numerous reprints and variants on the Balkan Peninsula spread.

Other works by Orbini are De Ultimo Fine Humanæ Vitæ Vel Summo Bono , written before 1590, and Zrcalo Duhovno , 1595.

Individual evidence

  1. a b С. Ћирковић, Извори Мавра Орбина, у Мавро Орбин, Краљевство Словена, Београд 2006, стр. 439-519.
  2. М. Пантић, Мавро Орбин, у Мавро Орбин, Краљевство Словена, Београд 2006, стр. XI-CXV.
  3. Jelka Ređep 1991: The Legend of Kosovo . Oral Tradition, 6/2 3 (1991) [1]