Max Baumert

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Max Baumert boxer
Max Baumert
Birth Name Max Baumert
Weight class 70 kg
nationality GermanyGermany German
birthday July 16, 1992
place of birth Berlin
size 181 cm
Combat Statistics
Struggles 36
Victories 28
Knockout victories 14th
Defeats 8th

Max Baumert (born July 16, 1992 in Berlin ) is a German kickboxer and world champion of the WKA and the WKU .


Max Baumert discovered his passion for martial arts early on . He started karate at the age of 10 . He has been training kick and Thai boxing since 2006 . He started amateur boxing in 2007 and had his first boxing match in 2008 . Since then he has had 35 boxing matches, 28 of which ended in a win, 6 in a loss and 1 in a draw.

In 2009 Max Baumert had his first K-1 fight. He has been fighting for Golden Glory Berlin since 2010 and has been a professional K1 fighter there since September 2012. In December 2012, he was also bought by Glory Sports International Pte Ltd. contracted. Max Baumert has also been a certified fitness trainer with an A license since 2014. Among other things, he trains the children of glory sports. He fights for the Golden Glory Germany-Gym in Berlin under coach Andy Schadenberg .


As an amateur:

  • 2009 Berlin champion amateur boxing
  • 2009 3rd place German championship amateur boxing
  • 2010 Berlin champion amateur boxing
  • 2011 Berlin runner-up in amateur boxing
  • K-1 German Champion WKN
  • K-1 European Champion WKN
  • K-1 World Champion WKA

As a professional:

  • K-1 World Champion WKU

Results as a professional fighter

Kickboxing results

Web links


  1. Glory signs Max Baumert
  2. Max Baumert receives A license as a fitness trainer
  3. Glory 20: Van Roosmalen runs over Ristie, Varga wins gold
  4. Glory 19: Verhoeven and Holzken successful
  5. Get in the Ring 12
  6. Andy Souwer thrilled in Darmstadt
  7. Enfusion Live: Moroccan magic disenchants German fighters
  8. Danyo Ilunga defeats Ondrej Hutnik ( Memento of the original from January 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. KoK: Baya brings surprise victory
  10. Baumert with away win
  11. Oschmann and Baumert win main battles
  12. Övgüer, Karalioglu and El-Saleh win
  13. Saki dominates Ghita
  14. Theiss, Morina, Dörrer and Canaveral win
  15. ^ Farewell with World Cup title
  16. Ilunga and Jotko win tournaments