Max Gehri

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Max Gehri (also Gheri ; born November 11, 1847 in Innsbruck , † February 6, 1909 in Mühlau ) was an Austrian painter and nativity scene carver .

life and work

Max Gehri's crib in the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum , created between 1895 and 1905

Gehri, who comes from Innsbruck- St. Nikolaus , received his training from the master painter Fritz and at the trade school in Innsbruck. He learned from Franz Plattner in Zirl , whose assistant he was, the frescoes and in August of Wörndle the watercolors .

Gehri worked as a history , landscape and church painter in the style of the Nazarenes and created, among other things, frescoes in the Urfahrer Josefskirche (1884–1887, now whitewashed) and in the parish church of Schärding (1904–1906). Later he built cribs after models by Joseph von Führich and August from Wörndle, where he not only carved the Nativity figures and summed up , but also the Krippenberg and background designed.


Notes and individual references

  1. Thieme-Becker; according to ÖBL November 10th
  2. Misc. In:  Linzer Volksblatt , February 9, 1909, p. 7 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / lvb; according to ÖBL February 5