Max Kretzer

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Max Kretzer, drawn by Franz Skarbina
Grave of Max Kretzer; Berlin-Charlottenburg, Luisenfriedhof II

Max Kretzer (born June 7, 1854 in Posen , † July 15, 1941 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ) was a German writer .


Max Kretzer was born as the second son of a hotel tenant. He attended secondary school in Poznan until he was 13 . After the father had lost all of his fortune while trying to start his own business as an innkeeper, Kretzer had to drop out of secondary school. In 1867 the family moved to Berlin , where Max Kretzer worked in a lamp factory and as a porcelain and sign painter . In 1878 he joined the SPD . After an accident at work, he began to read intensively in 1879 by authors such as Zola , Dickens and Freytag , who had a strong influence on him. Since the publication of his first book in 1880, Kretzer lived as a freelance writer in Berlin.

The writer Hermann Bahr describes the effect that the books had in Berlin:

“And how we listened happily when we found our own Zola, a Berlin Zola: Max Kretzer, in whose“ betrayed ”and“ depraved ”our deep human compassion for the disinherited as well as the gleeful Mockery of being able to rummage through human meanness for pleasure; "

- Hermann Bahr : Self-Portrait, 1923

Max Kretzer is considered to be one of the earliest representatives of German naturalism . He was one of the first to introduce topics such as factory work, the impoverishment of the petty bourgeoisie as a result of industrialization and the labor movement in German literature . While the author was initially close to German social democracy , after the turn of the century his works are shaped by the idea of “Christian socialism” and increasingly bear the character of entertainment literature and colportage . Some of Kretzer's late works have nationalist and anti-Semitic features. After 1933 he openly sympathized with the National Socialist rulers.


  • The two comrades , Berlin 1880
  • Strange enthusiasts , Berlin
    • Vol. 1 (1881)
    • Vol. 2 (1881)
  • The betrayed , Berlin
    • Vol. 1 (1882)
    • Vol. 2 (1882)
  • Schwarzkittel or the secrets of the atrium , Leipzig [among others] 1882
  • Berlin novellas and moral pictures , Jena
    • Vol. 1. Police reports, 1883
    • Vol. 2. Die Zweiseelenmenschen, 1883
  • Collected Berlin sketches , Berlin [including] 1883
  • The depraved , Berlin
    • Vol. 1 (1883)
    • Vol. 2 (1883)
  • In the storm wind of socialism , Berlin 1884
  • Three women , Jena
    • Vol. 1 (1886)
    • Vol. 2 (1886)
  • In the giant nest , Leipzig 1886
  • In Sündenbabel , Leipzig 1886
  • Bürgerlicher Tod , Dresden [among others] 1888
  • Meister Timpe , Berlin 1888 ( digitized version and full text in the German text archive )
  • A closed person , Leipzig
    • Vol. 1 (1888)
    • Vol. 2 (1888)
  • The colorful book , Dresden [including] 1889
  • The Sermon on the Mount , Dresden [among others]
    • Vol. 1 (1890)
    • Vol. 2 (1890)
  • Uncle Fifi , Berlin 1890
  • Colored hair , Dresden [ua] 1891
  • The Millionaire Farmer , Leipzig [novel]; historical background see: Millions of farmers
    • Vol. 1 (1891)
    • Vol. 2 (1891)
  • The Millionaire Farmer , Leipzig 1891 [play]
  • Wisps and ghosts , Weimar
    • Vol. 1 (1892)
    • Vol. 2 (1892)
    • Vol. 3 (1893)
  • The bass violinist. The bewitched book , Leipzig 1894
  • The accountant , Dresden 1894
  • The good daughter , Dresden 1895
  • Unfamous and other stories , Dresden [among other things] 1895
  • The blind. Ulrich painter , Dresden [among others] 1896
  • The face of Christ , Leipzig [among others] 1896
  • Woman of Pity and other short stories , Berlin 1896
  • Fear of the home and other short stories , Leipzig 1897
  • Berlin sketches , Berlin 1898
  • The woman's son , Dresden [ua] 1899
  • Blindfolded , Berlin
    • Vol. 1 (1899)
    • Vol. 2 (1899)
  • City dwellers , Berlin 1900
  • The timber merchant , Berlin
    • Vol. 1 (1900)
    • Vol. 2 (1900)
  • The art of getting married , Berlin 1900
  • The Verderberin , Berlin 1900
  • Why? , Leipzig 1900
  • The Madonna from Grunewald , Leipzig 1901
  • The riddle of death and other stories , Dresden 1901
  • The Wandering Thaler , Leipzig 1902
  • Maid and servant , Berlin 1903
  • The Sphinx in mourning , Berlin 1903
  • Driving forces , Berlin-Charlottenburg 1903
  • Family slaves , Berlin 1904
  • The bracelet , Berlin 1905
  • The man without a conscience , Berlin 1905
  • What is fame , Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1905
  • Autumn storm , Berlin-Charlottenburg 1906
  • The cabaret pig and other new Berlin stories , Berlin 1907
  • Leo Lasso , Jauer [et al.] 1907
  • Sons of their fathers , Jauer [among others] 1907
  • The back room , Jauer [ua] 1908
  • Courage to Sin , Glogau [et al.] 1909
  • Repentance , Leipzig 1910
  • Waldemar Tempel , Leipzig 1911
  • The bare buttons , Leipzig 1912
  • Pictures of life , Leipzig 1912
  • The girl from abroad , Leipzig 1913
  • Get up and walk , Leipzig 1913
  • Poems , Dresden 1914
  • The erring judge , Dresden 1914
  • The old fighters , Berlin 1916
  • Berlin stories , Berlin 1916
  • Ignaz Serbynski , Berlin [et al.] 1918
  • Der Nachtmensch , Berlin [among others] 1918
  • Cross and Scourge , Leipzig 1919
  • What life is crazy , Berlin 1919
  • Wild champagne , Leipzig 1919
  • Assessor Lanken's engagement , Berlin 1920
  • Fidus Deutschling, Germanias Bastard , Dessau 1921
  • The Locke , Berlin 1922
  • The relapse of Doctor Horatius , Leipzig 1935
  • Meister Timpe , Berlin: The New Berlin, 1949


  • Pierre Angel: Max Kretzer, peintre de la société berlinoise de son temps. Le romancier et ses romans (1880-1900). Pr. Univ. de France, Paris 1966.
  • WB : Master Timpe. Social novel by Max Kretzer. (Berlin 1888.) . In: The new time . Review of intellectual and public life . 6 (1888), No. 12, pp. 574-576. Digitized
  • Wolfgang Emmerich:  Kretzer, Max. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-428-00194-X , p. 17 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Kurt Haase (broadcasting director Südwestfunk ): The time and social criticism in the social novels of Max Kretzer. Univ. Diss., Würzburg 1954.
  • Günter Helmes : Max Kretzer: "Master Timpe" . In: Der Deutschunterricht 40, 1988, no. 2, pp. 51–64.
  • Günther Keil: Max Kretzer. A study in German naturalism. AMS PR. Rep. D. Issued in New York 1928.
  • Julius Erich Kloss: Max Kretzer. A study of recent literature. Pierson, Dresden 1896.
  • Patrick Küppers: The language of the big city. Criticism of time and aesthetic modernity in Max Kretzer's early naturalist Berlin novels. Marburg 2014.
  • Helmut May: Max Kretzer's novels according to its origin, character and development. Univ. Diss., Cologne 1931.
  • Egon Müntefer: Max Kretzer and its significance for the German novel of the eighties of the XIX. Century. Univ. Diss., Münster 1923.
  • Max Kretzer . In: Franz Osterroth : Biographical Lexicon of Socialism. Volume I. Deceased personalities . JHW Dietz Nachf., Hanover 1960, pp. 171–172.
  • Larisa Petrovna Spak: Maks Kretcer i nemeckij naturalisticeskij roman 80 - 90-ch godov XIX st. Naukova Dumka, Kiev 1982.
  • H. Stroebel ; Max Kretzer and his latest work . In: The new time. Review of intellectual and public life . 16.1897-98, Volume 1 (1898), Issue 11, pp. 330-338. Digitized
  • Heinz Dieter Tschörtner (Ed.): The Max Kretzer files. Archive of the German Schiller Foundation, Berlin 1969.
  • Barbara Heidelauf Ward: Max Kretzer. Moral critic and social reformer. Mass .: Univ. Pr., Boston 1976.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Franz Osterroth, p. 171.
  2. Hermann Bahr: Self-Portrait. Berlin: S. Fischer 1923, 191.

Web links