
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alternative name (s): Maisenburg
Creation time : not clear
Castle type : Höhenburg, slope length
Conservation status: departed
Place: Renningen - "Schlossberg"

The Meisenburg , also called Maisenburg , is an abandoned hilltop castle on the steep northwest slope of the Schlossberg near Renningen in the Boeblingen district in Baden-Württemberg .

Nothing has survived from the castle complex on the formerly oval castle hill with a diameter of 30 x 26 m with a surrounding moat ring, which can no longer be located. At the castle, which was probably only inhabited for a short time, a wolf Maiser is only mentioned in 1384.

Web links

  • Entry on Meisenburg in the private database "Alle Burgen". Retrieved September 16, 2019.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maisenburg desert near Leo-bw.d