Menno Meyjes

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Menno W. Meyjes (* 1954 in Bloemendaal , Netherlands ) is a Dutch screenwriter and film director .


Menno W. Meyjes immigrated to the USA in 1972. He studied at The Art Institute of California - San Francisco . He had his breakthrough when he made his screenwriting debut in 1985 with the adaptation of a novel by Alice Walker for the film The Color Purple . He was nominated for an Oscar and a British Academy Film Award . After working on scripts for films like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and State of Emergency, Meyjes made his debut as a film director in 2002 with the war drama Max .

Meyjes was married to Susan Andrews, the daughter of actor Dana Andrews . He is currently married to the former ballet dancer Natalie Kohn.

Filmography (selection)


British Academy Film Award
  • 1990 : Best adapted screenplay with El sueño del mono loco
Political Film Society Award
  • 2002: Nomination for Democracy with Max Rothman
  • 2002: Nomination for an exposé with Max Rothman

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