Mexico City (film)

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German title Mexico City
Original title Mexico City
Country of production USA , Mexico
original language English
Publishing year 2000
length 84 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Richard Shepard
script Richard Shepard
Jonathan Stern
production Jonathan Stern
Richard Shepard
Carole Curb Nemoy
Mike Curb u. a.
music Rolfe Kent
camera Sarah Cawley
cut Adam Lichtenstein

Mexico City is an American thriller from 2000 , much of which was filmed on location in Mexico City . The director was Richard Shepard , who also together with Jonathan Stern, the writer wrote and along with stars and the production team belonged. The main roles were played by Stacy Edwards and Jorge Robles .


The siblings Mitch and Sam Cobb spend an evening in Mexico City and plan to take a connecting flight to the south of the country the next day. Sister Mitch, the short in a tragic car accident her two children lost previously and was abandoned by her husband promised her brother Sam, who himself just a Drogenentziehungskur behind it, in the hospital, after her recovery with him a vacation in Mexico to spend. While she goes to bed early, her brother wants to immerse himself in the city's nightlife.

When Mitch wakes up the next morning, her brother is not in the room. After he has disappeared for a day, Mitch turns to the US embassy in desperation and meets its head Mills and the opaque police lieutenant Javier Menendez, who seems to be looking for her brother. Nevertheless, Mitch leaves the embassy disappointed and rather worried, but then by chance meets the taxi driver Pedro again, who drove Mitch and Sam through the city on the evening in question. For a payment of 100 US dollars, he offers her his help in finding the missing Sam and roams several cantinas with her . In the Cantina Especial , a guest tells them that Sam had had a few beers in the cantina that evening and was followed by some guys who tried to rob him as he left. The gang allegedly lives in a nearby and rather terrifying neighborhood and drives a blue Mustang .

Mitch and Pedro go to the neighborhood, find the car described and talk to the gang leader, who finally reveals what happened that evening: they came to the cantina, saw a stranger with an expensive camera and immediately decided to join him to rob and hurt him. Sam immediately noticed that there would be problems and went to the bathroom first. After a few minutes he ran out of the toilet and fled straight out of the cantina. The gang pursued him immediately, eventually caught up with him, beat him up and robbed him. But suddenly a man with a pistol appeared who caused the gang to flee himself. He couldn't say more. Finally he hands the stolen camera over to Mitch.

The following night, a stranger breaks into Mitch's hotel room and steals her ID and three full rolls of film, but does not steal any valuables. When she tells the ambassador about the attack on the phone, she tells him that there is another film that Sam shot that evening and is currently being developed. The ambassador then asks you to leave the hotel immediately: “Your phone is probably tapped. Leave the room. Don't come here. We are being shadowed. Call back in two hours. Don't pick up the film. If they have the film and they get it, God help you. "

Mitch leaves the hotel immediately and is followed by two men who she can shake off. Then she drives together with Pedro, who has taken care of the film in the meantime, to a remote house where she meets the US ambassador. As they look at the photos, it becomes clear why Sam was killed and why some strangers with far-reaching entanglements are after the film. From a toilet window in Cantina Especial, Sam took photos of the Mexican President's recently kidnapped personal doctor being shot behind the cantina. The killer noticed him by clicking his camera and then followed and killed him. But he couldn't find the camera because it was taken away by the gang who attacked Sam. The ambassador recognizes the killer and explains to Mitch, “He works for Menendez. You're not safe here and should go. ”The doctor was killed in the run-up to the presidential election because senior Mexican police officers were involved in a conspiracy to rig the presidential election. Ambassador Mills explains the background of the crime: "How can a party take action against crime if it cannot protect the president's doctor?" Mills wants to put Mitch on a private jet and fly back home, come as a stranger and all of the bodyguards Shoot the ambassador and Mills himself. Obviously to blame Mitch for this crime, the killers withdraw and leave the further action to the official police units, which appear shortly afterwards. In the meantime, Mitch escapes and goes into hiding.

Pedro also advises Mitch to leave the country immediately and drives them to the airport , which, however, is cordoned off by a strong police presence. That's why he takes her to the border in a taxi.


Cinema wrote: “The camera keeps capturing atmospheric street scenes from the metropolis. Unfortunately, the bumpy story by writer / director Richard Shepard drags on towards the end. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Film review at