Michael Holzmann

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Michael Holzmann (born June 21, 1860 in Slawathen near Piesling , Moravia , Austrian Empire , † October 20, 1930 in Vienna ) was an Austrian librarian , bibliographer and lexicographer of Jewish descent.


Michael Holzmann's grave in Vienna's central cemetery

Michael Holzmann studied German and history at the Universities of Vienna, Berlin and Lviv and was 1888 in Lviv with his teacher Richard Maria Werner with a thesis on Ludwig Borne Dr. phil. PhD .

From 1891 until his retirement in 1922 as senior librarian, Holzmann worked as a civil servant at the university library of the University of Vienna . Holzmann began as an unpaid volunteer in 1891 and "went through the laborious, poorly paid, but with melodious titles of the library career at the library, which included the stations of internship (1894), provisional and definitive amanuensis (1899), scriptor ad personam (1907), regular librarian (1908), senior librarian (1912) and finally senior librarian ad personam (1918) and is marked with the gradual advancement on the salary scale. "

Holzmann conducted research on Ludwig Börne and, together with Hanns Bohatta, published the "German Anonymous Lexicon" (7 volumes, 1902–1928). In this work and its supplements, 11978 anonymous writings from the German-speaking area were assigned to their authors who were previously unknown or difficult to determine, and the origin of the information was also recorded. Because of the uncertain sales prospects, there was no publisher who wanted to bring the work out. After all, there were many sponsors, patrons and subscribers who made it possible to produce the work in print, above all the Society of Bibliophiles , which took over the editorship and the publishing house. At the same time, Holzmann and Bohatta developed the "German Pseudonym Encyclopedia", which was published in 1906 by the Vienna Academic Publishing House (printed by J. Hans Posl in Leoben).

He married his cousin Charlotte Planer in 1916. He was a member of the Grillparzer Society Vienna, the Weimar Bibliophile Society and the Adalbert Stifter Society Vienna.

In 1922 Michael Holzmann was appointed Hofrat . He died of a stroke and was buried in the new Jewish section of the Vienna Central Cemetery (Gate 4, Group 9A, Row 2, No. 2). His widow kept the library and her husband's handwritten papers. She was deported to Theresienstadt on June 20, 1942 and from there to Treblinka, where she was murdered. The Holzmann estate survived the Second World War and was transferred to the library of the City of Vienna after the war.

Publications (selection)

  • Ludwig Börne, his life and work depicted according to the sources. Oppenheim, Berlin 1888 digitized .
  • with Hanns Bohatta: Address book of the libraries of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Carl Fromme, Vienna 1900 digitized .
  • with Hanns Bohatta: German anonymous lexicon. 7 volumes. 1902-1928.
  • with Hanns Bohatta: German Pseudonym Lexicon. Academic publishing house, Vienna and Leipzig 1906 digitized .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Klaus Walther: The Europe of the librarians. From Brunet to Estreicher. de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2019, p. 124
  2. Sixth report of the incumbent City Council for Culture and Science on the transfer of ownership of art and cultural objects from the collections of the museums of the City of Vienna and the Vienna City and State Library, Vienna, November 15, 2005, in accordance with the municipal council resolution of April 29, 1999 2.3 .4.1 Michael Holzmann, p. 20

Web links

Commons : Michael Holzmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files