Michael Prüller

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Michael Prüller (born May 2, 1961 in Vienna ) is an Austrian journalist , lawyer , former deputy editor-in-chief of the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse and since 2011 head of the Office for Public Relations and Communication of the Archdiocese of Vienna .


His parents both worked for the Catholic Church in Lower Austria ; he has five siblings. After graduating from high school in St. Pölten , he studied law in Vienna and Salzburg. It was in 1986 at the University of Salzburg to Dr. iur. PhD . In 1987 he completed a diploma course at the Institut Européen des Hautes Études Internationales in Nice in the south of France.

From 1987 he worked as an editor for the daily newspaper Die Presse in Vienna. Initially he was responsible for commercial supplements and from 1992 he wrote for the newspaper's economic section .

From 1996 to 1999 he was a management consultant (senior consultant) in the advertising and public relations agency Ogilvy PR in Vienna .

After returning to Die Presse in 2000, he became head of the Economist and in 2004 deputy editor-in-chief. In the press on Sunday he published the column "Culture Clash - Frontnachrichten aus dem Kulturkampf".

In 2011 he succeeded Erich Leitenberger as press spokesman for Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and head of the Office for Public Relations and Communication of the Archdiocese of Vienna at Stephansplatz . In addition, he was on the board of the St. Paulus Media Foundation (Der Sonntag, Radio Stephansdom , Internet presence, Wiener Dom-Verlag ) of the Archdiocese. From 2013 to 2015 he was editor-in-chief of the in-house Catholic weekly newspaper Der Sonntag .

Prüller is a speaker at the Institute for Religiosity in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy in Vienna.

Prüller has been married since 1986 and has eight children.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.erzdioezese-wien.at/site/nachrichtenmagazin/nachrichten/archiv/archive/32506.html
  2. https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20110325_OTS0201/michael-prueller-neuer-pressessprecher-von-kardinal-schoenborn
  3. http://rpp-institut.org/Michael-Prueller/
  4. "All eight children with the same wife?" In: DiePresse.com. February 16, 2013, accessed February 8, 2018 .