Michael Quante

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Michael Quante (2019)

Michael Quante (born August 2, 1962 in Senden ) is a German philosopher . He currently holds the professorship for philosophy with a focus on practical philosophy at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster . From 2012 to 2014, he succeeded Julian Nida-Rümelin as President of the German Society for Philosophy .


Michael Quante studied German and Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster from 1982 to 1989 , where he completed his studies with a thesis on the Marxian criticism of Hegel. Under the supervision of Ludwig Siep Quante 1992 with a thesis on Hegel's concept of action to Dr. phil. PhD . Also at the University of Münster, Quante completed his habilitation in 2001 in the Department of History / Philosophy with the text Personal Life and Human Death . In the work published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2002 , Quante tries to make a conception of personal identity fruitful for questions of biomedical ethics, especially for the beginning and ending of human life.

After his habilitation, Quante worked as a university lecturer at the Westphalian Wilhelms University and held a visiting professorship for ethics at the Humboldt University in Berlin as well as a substitute professor for practical philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen . With the acceptance of the professorship for practical philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Michael Quante was appointed professor in 2004. In 2005, Quante was offered a professorship for philosophy with a focus on practical philosophy at the University of Cologne . In 2009 he was offered the professorship for philosophy with a focus on practical philosophy at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster. Since 2009 he has also been Principal Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics and a member of the DFG-Kolleg research group "Theoretical Basic Questions of the Establishment of Norms in Medical Ethics and Biopolitics ".

Starting with Volume 47, Michael Quante and Birgit Sandkaulen are the editor of the Hegel Studies.

Since October 2016, Quante has been a member of the Rectorate of the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster as Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Transfer.

In September 2019, Quante was elected chairman of the International Marx-Engels Foundation , replacing Herfried Münkler .


Michael Quante in his office in the Philosophikum (2019).

Michael Quante names the philosophy of German idealism , philosophy of the person , action theory , ethics , biomedical ethics as well as legal and social philosophy as his main research areas .


In his dissertation, Hegel's Concept of Action (1993), Quante examines the Hegelian concept of action, as it is thematic in the moral chapter of the Hegelian basic lines of the philosophy of law, with reference to the debates of the analytical theory of action.

In his monograph The Reality of Spirit (2011), Quante deals with Hegel's philosophy from numerous systematic perspectives, whereby the Hegelian spirit philosophy , but also its connection with Hegel's concept of nature, are at the center of the individual chapters that emerged from his essays on Hegelian philosophy.

All in all, Quante's engagement with Hegel is characterized above all by the aim of making Hegel's philosophy of mind fruitful for central questions of the present. The peculiarity of Quantes Hegel research consists primarily in the multifaceted and detailed disclosure of the factual proximity between the Hegelian philosophy and the philosophy of pragmatism . For Quante, these primarily include Hegel's rejection of the primacy of scientific theory formation, Hegel's socially external or ascriptivistic conception of the mind, which sees the essence of mental episodes based on social practices of recognition and the attribution of responsibility, and Hegel's antiskepticism , which does not rely on philosophical argumentation a single, last-justified principle, but tries to establish it through the context of the overall system.


In Marx research , Michael Quante's work focuses primarily on the philosophical foundations of Marxian theory. In doing so, he tries to demonstrate a continuity between the early work and the mature Karl Marx of Capital and reject the thesis of an epistemological break , as it was made popular above all by Louis Althusser . According to Quante, the decisive link between the early and the late, economic-critical writings lies on the level of theory of action: both in the economic-philosophical manuscripts and in Capital, Marx works with a "reification model of action", according to which phenomena of alienation that arise in connection with the products of action ( e.g. goods) can be traced back to the previous action processes and their social conditions of origin. Both in the scientific presentation and in the evaluation of the social contexts of actions, the principle of recognition (adopted by Hegel in a modification) is also central for the early and later Marx according to Quante. In addition, Quante traces the philosophical and historical transition from Hegel to Marx by tracing the post- Hegelian context of debate around the Young Hegelians . He works out which theoretical elements Marx takes from Hegel and other Young Hegelians and which he gains by distinguishing himself from other people. Quantes' engagement with Marx is also motivated by questions of systematic connectivity to current debates.

Philosophy of person

In his treatises on the concept of the person, Quante emphasizes the central importance of the personal way of life for people's self-image. For him, the concept of the person is also a hub for central philosophical questions. According to Quante, it is of fundamental importance in the determination of freedom and self-confidence, in the question of the relationship between body and mind and in the establishment of central moral norms. In this context, Quante is interested in answering three basic questions that are connected with the identity of the person: first, according to the characteristics of personality that make someone or something a person, second, according to the conditions of unity and persistence that can be distinguished from them of people and, thirdly, the role of identity as an evaluative self- relationship of people.

Moral particularism

Quante works mostly in collaboration with Andreas Vieth on a conception of ethical particularism . The concept represented there can be described as moderate ethical particularism insofar as the moral orientation function of principles is not fundamentally rejected, but only their limits and thus the importance of particularistic elements in ethics is worked out. The opposite position to a particularist ethics is named by Quante and Vieth rationalist ethics, against which they raise three objections in particular:

  1. Ethical knowledge is not exclusively inferential,
  2. the basis of justified actions need not consist in universal laws and
  3. Perception offers a primary and independent form of ethical justification.

A conception of perception as an independent source of ethical justification is therefore of particular importance. Contrary to a merely passive analysis of perception as a tendency, Quante and Vieth therefore defend an active analysis according to which people are able to make outstanding ethical ones based on their own ethical experience and the associated learning processes, but also because of their embeddedness in social and cultural contexts To perceive properties directly in individual situations. At the same time, such a model should not completely reject principles as a model of ethical justification, but should leave room for particularistic principles that are concrete and non-inferential, but still have general aspects.

In this sense, Quante and Vieth also recommend a further development of the principlism developed by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress , which, according to them, has a number of under-determinations or even ambiguities, especially with regard to the underlying understanding of principles. Beauchamp and Childress are accused of making an unjustifiably generalized criticism of intuitionism in their demarcation against both casuistic and deductivist ethical concepts . However, since they only rejected a strong form of intuitionism, their conception is not only compatible with weak intuitionism, but also well advised to disambiguate existing ambiguities in this direction and thus to make particularistic and casuistic elements more recognizable.


Fonts (selection)


  • Hegel's concept of action. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-Holzboog (Speculation and Experience II, 32), 1993 (English translation: Hegel's Concept of Action. Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2004, Paperback 2010; Spanish translation: El concepto de acción en Hegel. Barcelona: Anthropos 2010 ; Italian translation: Il Concetto Hegeliano Di Azione. Milan: FrancoAngeli 2011; Hungarian translation: A Cselekvés Hegeli Koncepciója. Budapest: L'Harmattan 2011; Japanese translation 2011 by Libertas / Tokyo; French translation: Le concept hégélien de l'action. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes 2012)
  • Organ Transplant Ethics. Harald Fischer Verlag, Erlangen 2000 (together with JS Ach & M. Anderheiden).
  • Personal life and death. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (stw 1573), 2002.
  • Introduction to general ethics. Darmstadt: Scientific Book Society 2003; second, revised edition 2006, third edition 2008, fourth edition 2011.
  • Enabling Social Europe (= Science Ethics and Technology Assessment Volume 26), Berlin: Springer 2005 (together with: Bv Maydell, K. Borchardt, K.-D. Henke, R. Leitner, R. Muffels, P.-L. Rauhala, G . Verschraegen and M. ´Zukowski); Paperback 2010.
  • Person. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2007; second, expanded edition 2012.
  • Karl Marx: Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts. Study edition with commentary. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag 2009; second edition 2015.
  • Human dignity and personal autonomy. Democratic values ​​in the context of the life sciences. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag 2010; second edition 2014 (Japanese translation Hosei University Press 2015)
  • The reality of the mind. Studies on Hegel. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (stw 1939), 2011.
  • Discovering, Reflecting and Balancing Values: Ethical Management in Vocational Educational Training. (together with Martin Büscher; with the collaboration of Dominik Düber and Edgar Wehmeier) Hampp-Verlag: Mering / Munich 2014
  • Interdisciplinary Research and Trans-disciplinary Validity Claims. Springer: Berlin 2014 (with Gethmann, CF, Carrier, M., Hanekamp, ​​G., Kaiser, M., Kamp, G., Lingner, S. and Thiele, F.).
  • The unreconciled Marx . 1st edition. mentis, Münster 2018, ISBN 978-3-95743-120-2 .


  • Johann S. Ach & Michael Quante (eds.): Brain death and organ transplantation. Ethical, medical, psychological and legal aspects of organ transplantation (= medicine and philosophy II); frommann-holzboog: Stuttgart 1997 (second, expanded edition 1999).
  • Franz Petermann, Silvia Wiedebusch & Michael Quante (eds.): Perspectives of human genetics - medical, psychological and ethical aspects. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 1997.
  • Axel Wüstehube & Michael Quante (Eds.): Pragmatic Idealism. Critical Essays on Nicholas Rescher's System of Pragmatic Idealism (= Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities Vol. 64). Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998.
  • Michael Quante (Ed.): Personal Identity. (UTB 2082) Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 1999.
  • Michael Quante & Andreas Vieth (eds.): Xenotransplantation. Ethical and legal problems (= ethica vol. 2). Paderborn: Mentis-Verlag 2001.
  • Michael Quante & Erzsébet Rózsa (eds.): Mediation and Reconciliation. The topicality of Hegel's thinking for a Europe that is growing together (= Münster Philosophical Writings, Vol. 8). Münster: Lit-Verlag 2001.
  • Dieter Janssen & Michael Quante: Just War. Paderborn: Mentis-Verlag 2003.
  • Sibille Mischer, Michael Quante & Christian Suhm (eds.): Auf Freilang: Metaphysical and ethical approaches to human freedom. Münster: LIT-Verlag 2003.
  • Ludwig Siep & Michael Quante: Dealing with the beginning of human life. Ethical, medical theoretical and legal problems from a Dutch and German perspective. Münster: LIT-Verlag 2003.
  • Christoph Halbig & Michael Quante: Axel Honneth: Social philosophy between recognition and criticism. Münster: LIT-Verlag 2004.
  • Barbara Merker, Georg Mohr & Michael Quante: Subjectivity and Recognition. Paderborn: Mentis 2004.
  • Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep: Hegel's legacy. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 2004.
  • Jussi Kotkavirta & Michael Quante: Moral Realism (= Acta Filosofica Fennica Vol. 76). Helsinki: 2004.
  • Kristina Engelhard & Michael Quante: Erzsébet Rózsa : Hegel's conception of practical individuality. Paderborn: Mentis-Verlag 2007.
  • Dean Moyar & Michael Quante (Eds.): Hegel's 'Phenomenology of Spirit': A Critical Guide. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2008, paperback 2010
  • Focus on paternalism (guest editor). Yearbook for Science and Ethics 14 (2009), pp. 71–165 (with contributions by TL Beauchamp, J. Kleinig, B. Schöne-Seifert, M. Stepanians & T. Schramme).
  • Michael Quante & Erzsébet Rózsa (eds.): Anthropology and Technology. Munich: Fink 2012.
  • Small dictionary of works of philosophy (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 402). Kröner, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-520-40201-1 .
  • Michael Quante, David P. Schweikard (ed.): Marx manual. Life - work - effect . JB Metzler, Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3-476-02332-2
  • Michael Quante, Silvia Wiederbusch & Heidrun Wulfekühler (eds.): Ethical dimensions of inclusive education . Beltz, Weinheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-7799-3803-3
  • Karl Marx: Capital. Critique of Political Economy. First volume . With an introduction and a commentary ed. v. Michael Quante, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-7873-1959-6 .



  • Absolute Thinking: Newer Interpretations of Hegelian Logic. In: Journal for philosophical research 50 (1996), pp. 624–640.
  • Absolute subjectivity. In: Franz Gniffke & Norbert Herold (eds.): Classical questions in the history of philosophy. Volume II: Modern Times and Modernity. Münster: LIT 2000, pp. 83-104.
  • Direct realism. Comments on the abolition of everyday realism in Hegel. In: R. Schumacher (Ed.): Idealism as the theory of representation? Paderborn: Mentis 2001, pp. 147-163 (with L. Siep & C. Halbig).
  • Read Hegel's "Logic". In: Information Philosophie 3/2001, pp. 60–65.

Marx and Young Hegelians

  • Comment. In: Karl Marx: Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts. Study edition with commentary. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag 2009, pp. 209-410.
  • After Hegel. The Actualization of Philosophy in Practice. In: D. Moyar (Ed.): Routledge Companion to 19th Century Philosophy , London, Routledge, 2010, pp. 197-237

General ethics and metaethics

  • Nature, naturalness and the naturalistic fallacy. In: Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1994), pp. 289-305.
  • Applied ethics or ethics in use? Considerations for the further development of principlism. In: Yearbook for Science and Ethics 5 (2000), pp. 5–34 (with A. Vieth).
  • Perception or Justification? On the relationship of inferential and non-inferential knowledge in particularist ethics. in: Yearbook for Science and Ethics 6, 2001, pp. 203-234.
  • Defending Principlism Well Understood, in: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6), 2002, 621–649 (together with Andreas Vieth)
  • Which Intrinsicness for Weak Moral Realism? In: Moral Realism (ed. By Jussi Kotkavirta and Michael Quante), Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica, 2004, pp. 171-187.
  • The structure of perception in particular is ethics. In: Ethical Perspectives 17, 1, 2010, pp. 5-39.

Philosophy of mind

  • Rationality - the cement of the mind? The pragmatic rescue of the mental at DC Dennett. In: A. Wüstehube (Ed.): Pragmatic theories of rationality. Würzburg 1995, pp. 223-268.
  • The place of the mind. In: Journal for philosophical research 52 (1998), pp. 292-313.
  • The unraveling of consciousness. In: Journal for philosophical research 52 (1998), pp. 610–633.
  • A stereoscopic look? In: Dieter Sturma (Ed.): Philosophy and Neurosciences. Frankfurt a. M .: Suhrkamp 2006, pp. 124-145.

Web links

Commons : Michael Quante  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Michael Quante - WWU Münster
  2. Felix Meiner Verlag: Meiner - Verlag für Philosophie ( Memento of the original from February 10, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / Meine.de
  3. Cf. The Reality of Spirit. P. 22.
  4. Commentary in Karl Marx: Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts.
  5. Karl Marx: Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts. Study edition with commentary. Frankfurt am Main 2009; second edition 2015, p. 233.
  6. See Recognition in Capital. In: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 16 (4): 713-727.
  7. Cf. Die Linke Hegelians. Edited by M. Quante u. A. Mohseni, Paderborn 2015.
  8. ^ After Hegel. The Actualization of Philosophy in Practice. In: D. Moyar (Ed.): Routledge Companion to 19th Century Philosophy. London, Routledge, 2010, pp. 197-237.
  9. Corporeality, Sociality and Dependency: Categories of a Critique of Public Health Ethics. In: Preprints and Working Papers of the Center for Advanced Study in Bioethics. No. 27, 2012 ( PDF file )
  10. In addition to a number of articles, the monographs Personal Life and Human Death , Person and Humanity and Personal Autonomy should be mentioned here.
  11. The work Applied Ethics or Ethics in Application? Reflections on the further development of principlism (2000); Perception or Justification? On the relationship of inferential and non-inferential knowledge in particularist ethics (2001); In Defense of Principlism Well Understood (2002); Which Intrinsicness for Weak Moral Realism? (2004); The structure of perception in particularist ethics (2010).
  12. See The Structure of Perception , especially Section III
  13. See The Structure of Perception. Pp. 27-29.
  14. See Defending Principlism Well Understood
  15. a b Research at the University of Münster
  16. Michael Quante honored with the German Prize for Philosophy and Social Ethics ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.stifterverband.info