Michael Waldmann (theologian)

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Michael Waldmann (born March 15, 1874 in Hirschau , † December 2, 1953 in Etterzhausen ) was a German theologian and university professor in Regensburg .

Waldmann was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on June 12, 1898 . In the winter semester of 1900 he joined the Catholic student union Unitas Munich in Munich. In 1902 he was at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich with an award-winning dissertation Dr. theol. PhD. After a few years in Schwarzenfeld and Tirschenreuth , he took over the parish of Holztraubach until he began teaching at the Dillingen University in 1913 ; from there he was appointed professor of moral theology at the Philosophical-Theological University of Regensburg in 1923 . From 1925 he was university rector for three years. In 1939, teaching was forcibly discontinued. Waldmann was the dean of Regensburg Cathedral . In November 1933 he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . In the dispute over the Konnersreuth blood miracle of the alleged mystic Therese Neumann , he submitted a critical article to Bishop Michael Buchberger in 1935, which Bishop Michael Buchberger only took over in a somewhat moderated manner. In 1937/38 Waldmann donated the church and rectory of St. Michael (Etterzhausen) , where he was also buried in the St. Emmeran's crypt.


  • Karl Hausberger : The Philosophical-Theological University of Regensburg in the time of National Socialism. An inventory . In: Paul Mai u. a .: Contributions to the history of the diocese of Regensburg . Vol. 40, Verlag des Verein für Regensburg Bishopric History, 2008.


  • The love of enemies in the ancient world and in Christianity: a historical-ethical investigation , Mayer, Vienna 1902 (= dissertation at the LMU Munich) repr. Kessinger, London 2010 ISBN 978-1168539847
  • The mystery of Christian virtue according to Thomas Aquinas : Ceremonial speech for the inauguration d. Rectorate to d. philosoph.-theolog. University of Regensburg opened on November 14th, 1925, Kösel & Pustet, Regensburg 1926
  • Thomas Aquinas and the "Mystical Theology" of Pseudodionysius , 1949
  • Trances and ecstasies in their psychological contradictions , 1952

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Burr (ed.): Unitas manual . tape 1 . Verlag Franz Schmitt, Siegburg 1995, p. 368 .