Mikhail Raslovlev

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Michail Sergeevič Raslovlev (born August 22, 1892 in Vladivostok , Russian Empire ; died April 21, 1987 in Créteil , France ), was a Russian publicist who emigrated to France.


Michail Raslovlev came from a Russian noble family. He attended the cadet school in St. Petersburg and studied from 1911 to 1914 at the Freiberg Mining Academy . During the First World War he was a soldier in the Black Sea Fleet and took part in the civil war in Sevastopol on the anti-Bolshevik side. In 1920 he had to flee to Constantinople . From 1921 to 1923 he was a journalist in the Balkans and then lived his life as a journalist, literary critic, translator and writer in France.

Raslovlev was a monarchist . He secretly traveled to the Soviet Union in 1935 to meet Marshal Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky .

Raslovlev described himself as a fanatical anti-Semite. During his stay in Constantinople in 1921, the British journalist Philip Graves received his copy of Maurice Joly's book Dialogue aux Enfers entre Montesquieu et Machiavel (1865) from him. Graves used it for an article in The Times , exposing the plagiarism of the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which has been circulating since the turn of the century . That Graves had received Joly's book from Raslovlev was not revealed until 1977.

The Brotherton Library at the University of Leeds maintains a collection of Mikhail Raslovlev Papers .

Publications (selection)

  • Les Voix glorieuses . Niort: l'Action intellectuelle, 1933
  • Reflets furtifs . Paris: L'auteur, 1958 (poetry in French)
  • (Ed.): Sainte Russie: anthologie de vers d'inspiration religieuse traduits du russe par Michel Raslovleff . Paris, 1958.
  • Le Dit de la sainte Russie: poème en prose de Michel Raslovleff . [2e édition.]. Paris: Impr. D. Guillo, 1964
  • (Ed.): Le jardin clos de Tevanghir: conte oriental . Paris: Éd. La Bruyère, 1980
  • (Ed.): Gavriil Romanovič Deržavin : Le Chantre de Félice . Paris: Éditions La Bruyère, 1981
  • (Ed.): De Derjavine á Bounine: ou, Grandeur et décadence de l'Empire de Toutes les Russes ilustrées par ses poetes . Paris: Editions La Bruyère, 1981
  • (Ed.): Le barde slavophile: ( Fédor Tutcheff ): livre II de la trilogie historico-poétique De Derjavine à Bounine, ou, Grandeur et decadence de l'empire de toutes les Russies illustres par ses poetes . Paris: La Bruyere, 1982
  • (Ed.): L'âge d'or de la poésie russe: anthologie des oeuvres poétiques russes du début à la fin du XIXe siècle . Paris: La Bruyère, 1983.
  • (Ed.): Ivan Bounine  : (1870–1953): le témoin désabusé de la chute de l'Empire russe; biography de ce dernier poète académique russe et prix Nobel de 1933 . Paris: Ed. La Bruyère, 1987


  • Michael Hagemeister : The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in court. The Bern Trial 1933–1937 and the «Anti-Semitic International» . Zurich: Chronos, 2017. Short biography on page 560f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mikhail Raslovlev papers (Leeds Russian Archive online catalog), at WorldCat