Michel Birbaek

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Michel Birbaek (born July 1962 in Copenhagen ) is a Danish author who has lived in Germany since 1974.

After 15 years as a musician, Michel Birbaek has been working as a freelance writer since the mid-1990s and has published five novels in addition to scripts, columns and jokes for Harald Schmidt and Stefan Raab .


From the late 1970s to the mid 1990s, Birbaek appeared as a singer in rock bands , u. a. Doc Koma in the 1980s and Birbaek in the 1990s. In the mid-1990s, Wolf Maahn produced the CD Durch den Wolf rotated . At the same time Birbaek wrote a novel about the band's time.


The novel What makes me down is not life, but the days in between was published in 1997 and was well received by the audience and critics: u. a. found Elke Heidenreich: "Birbaek has a very funny storytelling talent."

The novels followed: When life is a beach, women are more , relationship orphans and Nele & Paul . At the end of August 2010 the last novel Die Beste was published at the end . In autumn 2011 he announced that he would not write any more novels, but would devote himself entirely to screenwriting. After the death of the singer Prince, who was admired by Birbaek, in 2016, he revoked this decision. In August 2018, the novel The Most Beautiful Girl in the World , which was created under the impression of this event, was published .

In addition, Birbaek u. a. as a gag writer for Stefan Raab and Harald Schmidt, as a columnist for various women's magazines and has worked as a screenwriter for German TV series, including the RTL series Countdown - The Hunt Begins and the Sat.1 series Danni Lowinski .


Since the late 1990s, Birbaek appeared as a comedian and presenter with a concept of sitdown comedy, a mixture of reading and comedy. The CD Women's Stories about Man-Woman Relationships contains collected women's magazine columns that premiered as a sitdown program at the Cologne Comedy Festival 2008.



  • What gets me down is not life, but the days in between . Rütten & Loening 1997.
  • When life is a beach, women are more . Bastei Lübbe 2004.
  • Orphan . Bastei Lübbe 2007.
  • Nele & Paul . Bastei Lübbe 2009.
  • The best for last . Bastei Lübbe 2010.
  • The most beautiful girl in the world . Blanvalet Verlag 2018.



  • Laugh lines . Self-published in 2000.
  • Women stories . Audio Lübbe 2008.

Audio books

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Declaration on the personal homepage , accessed on January 11, 2018.