Mießl von Linienissen

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Mießl of Zeileis (s) s , since 1915 Zeileissen of Herget stone , is the name of a Bohemian and Austrian postage noble ancestry.


The Mießl family, also Miessl, formerly Müsel, were of middle-class origin. In 1601 the butcher Peter Müsel (~ 1579 in St. Joachimsthal) was expelled from the city for disregarding the craft regulations, overpriced meat prices and other offenses. He had to forego his paternal inheritance in return for a fine and vowed not to enter the city for the next three years. After years of wandering, he settled in neighboring Platten in 1612 , where he appropriated plenty of real estate. His son, the butcher Georg Müsel, is considered to be the founder of the Plattner branch of the respected and in some cases wealthy family.

On June 10, 1786, the senior tenth, senior official and mountain court assessor, Johann Nepomuk Mießl, was raised to the hereditary nobility by Emperor Joseph II because of his 30 years of service and the cost savings achieved by determining the means of charring the peat in brick ovens and acquired the coat of arms and the predicate "Edler von Linienisen" from the lineage, which died out in the male line. He was born with Maria Barbara Macasius from St. Joachimsthal, from whom Mießl derived his origin on the sex.

The predicate referred to the Nuremberg patrician and merchant Hannszeileisen the Elder. Ä. († around 1582), born in Steinach near Kulmbach in the Vogtland , who, together with his five brothers , was awarded a coat of arms by Emperor Karl V on May 12, 1544 in Speyer . In 1571/72 he moved from Nuremberg to St. Joachimsthal in the Ore Mountains . In 1557, the brother Erhartzeileisen and his wife Katharina Hundbek founded the "Hundbek -zeileisischen scholarship" of 1300 gold guilders to finance the studies of future generations, which annually paid out 52 florins. Since he himself was childless, Erhartzeileisen appointed his brother Hannszeileisen to be the executor of this legacy. The brother Ulrichzeileisen was the cantor of St. Sebald . The family died out in the male line.

On July 26th, 1883 the family with the Imperial and Royal Lieutenancy Council and District Captain of Karlsbad Johann Mießl vonzeileissen, as bearer of the Order of the Iron Crown , III. Class, raised to the Austrian knighthood . His son Karl Linieissen was also given the title “von Hergetenstein”. On May 6, 1915, he was granted the abandonment of the name Mießl and the sole use of the predicate "Linienissen von Hergetenstein" as a family name and the lent coat of arms from 1786.

Genealogy (selection)

  • Johann Nepomuk Mießl Edler vonzeileisen (1733–1802), senior tithe, senior official and mountain court assessor; ⚭ 1757 in St. Joachimstha Anna Barbara Macasius (1738–1801)
    • Maria Anna Procopia Mießl vonzeileisen (1757–?); ⚭ 1775 in Vienna Johann Franz Xaver Schöffel (1734–?), Bergrat from Thalern in Lower Austria
    • Aloys Mießl Edler vonzeileisen (1759–1815), kk mountain jury, chief mountain administrator and mountain judge; ⚭ Antonia Peithner von Lichtenfels (1776–1848)
      • Wenzel Mießl Edler von Linienisen (1799–1854), iron wear factor in Prague; ⚭ Barbara NN (1819–1863)
        • Aloys Mießl Edler vonzeileissen (1844–?), Since 1864 cadet of the Grand Duke Constantine
    • Barbara Apollonia Prisca Mießl vonzeileisen (1763–?); ⚭ 1782 in St. Joachimsthal Kajetan Putz (1755–1825), Bergmeister von Abertham und Platten
    • Eva Regina Rosalia Dominica Mießl vonzeileisen (1764–?); ⚭ 1782 in St. Joachimsthal Johann Alois Ungersthaler, kk cash controller and senior official observer
    • Johann Optat Mießl Edler vonzeileisen (1768–1842), factory owner and mayor of St. Joachimsthal; ⚭ 1791 in Platten Olivia Seeling
      • Wilhelmina Aloysia Ludovika Barbara Olivia Mießl Edle vonzeileisen (1792–1847)
      • Albert Mießl Edler vonzeileisen (1795–1847), Imperial and Royal Forestry and Woodruff Master in Schlaggenwald; ⚭ 1820 in St. Joachimsthal Karolina Fritsch, Bergrat's daughter
        • Johann Mießl Ritter vonzeileisen (1822–1898), kk governor and district captain in Karlsbad; ⚭ 1859 Aloisia Winkler de Forazest (1831–1890)
          • Karl Ritter Linienissen von Hergetenstein (1862–1915), Ministerialrat in the Ministry of Commerce; ⚭ 1895 in Prague Helena Rosina Herget (1867–?), Partner
          • Johanna Nepom. Katharina Aloisia Magdalena Eva Mießl Edle vonlinieissen (1863–1920)
          • Maria Theresia Karolina Aloisia Johanna Eva Mießl Edle vonzeileissen (1869–1945); ⚭ 1892 in Vienna Emil Ebermann (1857–1893), architect and builder in Prague
        • Pauline Klotilde Caroline Mießl Edle vonzeileisen (1836–?), Forester's daughter
        • Albrecht Mießl Edler von row iron, kk forest warden in Schlaggenwald
    • Josepha Antonia Theresia Mießl Edle vonzeileisen (1770–?); ⚭ 1796 in St. Joachimsthal Norbert Rombaldi Ritter von Hohenfels (1771–1831), blue color works director in Schlegelmühl


  • Hans Friedrich von Ehrenkrook: Genealogical handbook of the nobility, Volume 31; Volume 147, CA Starke., 1963, pp. 250-254
  • Alfred Anthony v. Siegenfeld: Genealogy. Paperback Austria, Maass, Vienna, 1913, p. 417
  • Karl Friedrich v. Frank zu Döfering: Old Austrian Adelslexikon 1823-1918, Vienna, 1928, I, 199, p. 357

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kronika města | Porta fontium. Retrieved November 10, 2019 .
  2. ^ New general German nobility lexicon, published in association with several historians. by EH Kneschke . 1864 ( google.de [accessed on March 7, 2018]).
  3. Mießl Johann, B 134; genealogie-93-generationen.eu. Retrieved March 7, 2018 .
  4. Zeileisen Hanns, 8674; genealogie-93-generationen.eu. Retrieved March 7, 2018 .
  5. ^ Tonindustrie-Zeitung and Keramische Rundschau . 1915 ( google.de [accessed on March 7, 2018]).