Miguel León-Portilla

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Miguel León-Portilla (2016)

Miguel León-Portilla (born February 22, 1926 in Mexico City ; † October 1, 2019 ) was a Mexican historian , anthropologist and philosopher , whose specialty was the history of the Indians , in particular the philosophy and literature of the Nahua .


Miguel León-Portilla was a student of the Mexican Catholic priest, philologist and historian Ángel María Garibay (1892-1967).

His best-known work bears the title Return of the Gods in the German translation . The Aztecs' record of the fall of their empire . For example, he made various contributions to the Mexican book series Sepan cuantos by Librería Porrúa as an author, author of introductions, forewords, studies, etc., including for the volumes: (143) Historia de la Antigua o Baja California by Francisco Javier Mariano Clavigero (1731– 1787) (with the Relación histórica de la vida y apostólicas tareas del venerable padre Fray Junípero Serra by Francisco Palou ), (278) Idea de una nueva historia general de la América Septentrional by Lorenzo Boturini Benaducci , (626) Historia de la literatura náhuatl by Ángel María Garibay. He has also participated in the Biblioteca del Estudiante Universitario series of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).


In 1995, Miguel León-Portilla was elected to the National Academy of Sciences . In the same year he was awarded the Medalla Belisario Domínguez del Senado de la República , in 2000 the Premio Bartolomé de las Casas by the Spanish government , and in 2006 the Silvert Award .

Publications (selection)

As an author and editor

  • La filosofía náhuatl. Estudiada en sus fuentes . Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, Mexico City 1956 (and another 10 editions).
    • Pre-Hispanic thinking in Mexico. The Nahuatl philosophy . Embassy of the United Mexican States, 1970 (= Mexican Studies , Vol. 7).
  • Visión de los vencidos. Relaciones indígenas de la conquista . Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Mexico City 1959.
  • La historia del Tohuenyo. Narración erótica náhuatl . In: Estudios de cultura Nahuatl , Vol. 1 (1959), No. 8, pp. 95-112.
  • Los antiguos mexicanos a través de sus crónicas y cantares . Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico City 1961.
  • The reverso de la conquista. Relaciones aztecas, mayas e incas . Mortiz, Mexico City 1964.
  • Las Literaturas Precolombinas de Mexico (= Colección Pormaca , Vol. 5). Editorial Pormaca, Mexico City 1964.
    • English translation: Pre-Columbian Literatures of Mexico . Translated into English by Grace Lobanov and the author. University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma 1969.
  • (with Alfonso Villa Rojas): Tiempo y realidad en el pensamiento maya. Ensayo de acercamiento . Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City 1968.
  • México-Tenochtitlan, su espacio y tiempos sagrados . Inst. Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City 1979.
  • (Ed.): Native Meso-American Spirituality: Ancient Myths, Discourses, Stories, Doctrines, Hymns, Poems from the Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and Other Sacred Traditions ( Classics of Western Spirituality series ). Paulis Press, New York 1980, ISBN 0-8091-2231-6 .
  • La multilingüe toponimia de México. Sus estratos milenarios . Centro de Estudios de Historia de México, Mexico City 1983.
  • Hernán Cortés y la Mar del Sur . Instituto de cooperacion iberoamericana, Madrid 1985, ISBN 84-7232-376-5 .
  • Cantos y crónicas del México antiguo (= Crónicas de América, vol. 24). Historia 16, Madrid 1986, ISBN 84-7679-003-1 ( online ).
  • Cartografía y crónicas de la Antigua California . Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Mexico City 1989, ISBN 968-6115-06-4 .
  • Quince poetas del mundo náhuatl . Editorial Diana, Mexico City 1994, ISBN 968-13-2624-5 .
  • La flecha en el blanco. Francisco Tenamaztle y Bartolomé de las Casas en lucha por los derechos de los indigenas 1541–1556 . Editorial Diana, Mexico City 1995, ISBN 968-13-2812-4 .
  • Anthology nahuatl ( Collection UNESCO d'oeuvres représentatives - Témoignages littéraires de Mexique indigène series ). L'Harmattan, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-7384-4836-4 .
  • Bernardino de Sahagún , pionero de la anthropology . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas / El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City 1999, ISBN 968-36-7064-4 .
  • Teatro náhuatl. Prehispánico, colonial y moderno . El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City 2019.

See also

Web links

Commons : Miguel León-Portilla  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

References and footnotes

  1. ^ Obituary for Miguel León-Portilla. Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  2. Miguel León-Portilla - unionsverlag.com
  3. To be presented:
    1. Tlaltecatzin from Cuauhchinanco
    2. Nezahualcóyotl from Tezcoco
    3. Cuacuauhtzin from Tepechpan
    4. Nezahualpilli
    5. Cacamatzin from Tezcoco
    6. Tochihuitzin Coyolchiuhqui
    7. Axayâcatl
    8. Macuilxochitzin
    9. Temilotzin from Tlatelolco
    10. Tecayehuatzin from Huexotzinco
    11. Ayocuan Cuetzpaltzin
    12. Xayacámach from Tizatlan
    13. Xicohténcatl the Elder
    14. Chichicuepon by Chalco
    15. Aquiauhtzin from Ayapanco