Mihály Horváth

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Mihály Horváth (1867)

Mihály Horváth (born October 20, 1809 in Szentes , † August 19, 1878 in Karlsbad ) was a Hungarian historian and theologian.


Mihály Horváth attended grammar school in Szegedin , then studied theology in the spiritual seminary in Waitzen and worked as a chaplain in several places, but, because of his liberal thinking with his superiors, accepted an educator position in the house of Count Erdödy in Vienna in 1841 . In 1844 he became professor of Hungarian language and literature at the Theresianum in Vienna. In 1847 he was appointed provost of Hatvan and in 1848 by the Minister of Culture Eötvös he was appointed bishop of Csanád and a member of the table of magnates . However, since the Pope did not recognize this appointment as bishop, he never received episcopal ordination .

The lively activity that he developed in these positions brought him great popularity, so that after the declaration of independence on April 14, 1849, he received the portfolio of cult and public education.

After the failure of the revolution, he fled to Paris, from there to Brussels and later to Zurich, where he was a tutor in the house of Countess Károlyi for a time, while in September 1851 he was sentenced to death by the court martial in contumaciam .

In 1867 he was granted an amnesty and received from the Hungarian government an endowed abbey, participated again in political life and was elected deputy in his district in the capital after the death of Ferenc Deák in 1876. He died on August 19, 1878 in Karlsbad.


As president of the historical-philosophical class of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Historical Society, Horváth was one of the most important Hungarian historians and wrote a complete history of Hungary until 1849.


His most important works are:

  • History of the Hungarians up to 1823. 3rd edition, Pest 1873, 8 volumes
  • Twenty-five Years from the History of Hungary, 1823–48. 2nd edition, Pest; German, Leipzig 1867, 2 volumes
  • History of the War of Independence in Hungary 1848 and 1849. 2nd edition, Pest 1872, 3 volumes


Web links

Commons : Mihály Horváth  - collection of images, videos and audio files