Beust Ministry

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The Beust Ministry was formed on February 7, 1867 as the Ministry of the Austrian Empire under the leadership of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust . It was the last ministry of the Austrian Empire and, in the transition to the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy, the first cabinet responsible for Cisleithania when the December constitution came into force .


Beust, who had been Saxon Foreign Minister from 1849 to 1866 , became Austrian Foreign Minister in the Belcredi Ministry from October 30, 1866 . The appointment, against Belcredi's will, of Beust, who in his view was not sufficiently familiar with the Austrian problems, and the intervention of Empress Elisabeth in favor of a unilateral settlement favoring the Hungarians prompted the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Belcredi, after a meeting of the Privy Council in which Emperor Franz Joseph I. joined Beust's views, on February 3, 1867 to resign. Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust was appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of State and in February 1867 carried out the compromise with Hungary and introduced the constitutional December constitution , which came into force on December 21, 1867.

The Beust Ministry remained in office until December 23, 1867 and was thus also the first Ministry of Cisleithania (an unofficial term for the northern and western parts of Austria-Hungary, which is used mainly in civil servants and lawyers ). On December 30, 1867, the Ministry of K. Auersperg followed the Ministry of Beust for Cisleithanien . Beust became Chairman of the Council of Ministers for Common Affairs on December 30, 1867 with the official title of Chancellor , and remained so until November 8, 1871.

As Belcredi feared , the favoring of Hungarians, who were now largely independent of Austria in domestic politics , compared to the other peoples of the Habsburg monarchy, fueled nationality conflicts as a result of the settlement achieved with Hungary .


The following ministers belonged to the ministry:

Office Official Beginning of the term of office Term expires
Prime Minister Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867
Foreign minister Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867
Minister of Commerce Bernhard von Wüllerstorf-Urbair
Franz Karl Becke (commissioned)
February 7, 1867
April 18, 1867
April 18, 1867
December 23, 1867
Minister of Culture and Education Eduard Taaffe
Anton Hye von Glunek (commissioned)
February 7, 1867
June 27, 1867
June 27, 1867
December 23, 1867
Finance minister Franz Karl Becke February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867
Minister of State Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867
Interior minister Eduard Taaffe February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867
Minister of Justice Emanuel Heinrich Komers von Lindenbach
Anton Hye von Glunek
February 7, 1867
June 27, 1867
June 27, 1867
December 23, 1867
Reich Minister of War Franz von John February 7, 1867 December 23, 1867