Badeni Ministry

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Casimir Felix Count Badeni

The Badeni Ministry , government of the western half of Austria-Hungary , followed at the end of September 1895 after a transitional government headed by Count Erich Kielmansegg, which had been in office for only three and a half months . The Count, who was anchored as an official in Lower Austria , was followed by the Galician landlord, Kasimir Count Badeni .

The ministry was one of several short-lived kk governments in the last decade of the 19th century. Badeni's government acquired historical relevance with the electoral reform of 1896 , which favored the appearance of mass parties and thereby greatly changed parliamentary life, and in 1897 with the Baden language ordinance , which gave equal rights to the Czechs of Bohemia and Moravia , which triggered demonstrations and riots among the Germans in Cisleithania . During the term of office of the Badeni Ministry, the newly created Imperial and Royal Railway Ministry took office on January 17, 1896 ; the railway agendas had previously been administered in the Ministry of Commerce.

Emperor Franz Joseph I supported Badeni's attempt to secure the constitutionally guaranteed equality of non-German speakers in the Bohemian Lands in practice. When this turned out to be realpolitically impossible, he recalled Badeni on November 30, 1897, as requested, but thanked him in extremely warm words in the published letter of removal. In Prague , the Czechs demonstrated against the removal of Badeni. He was succeeded by the previous Minister of Education Paul Gautsch von Frankenthurn and his cabinet for four months .

The foreign minister, the war minister and the joint finance minister did not belong to this cabinet. See kuk joint ministries .


The letter of appointment for Badeni dated September 29, 1895 and the letters of appointment from the ministers dated September 30, 1895 were published in the official Wiener Zeitung . The Badeni Ministry was dismissed by Emperor Franz Joseph I on November 30, 1897.

kk minister Official Political party kk authority annotation
Prime Minister Kasimir Felix Badeni Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Agriculture Minister Johann Graf Ledebur-Wicheln Ministry of Agriculture
Minister of Commerce Hugo Glanz from Eicha Ministry of Commerce
Minister for Culture and Education Paul Gautsch from Frankenthurn Ministry of Culture and Education
Finance minister Leon Biliński was a Minister for Galicia until January 17, 1896 Ministry of Finance
Minister of the Interior Kasimir Felix Badeni entrusted with the management Ministry of the Interior
Minister of Justice Johann Nepomuk Gleispach Ministry of Justice
Minister for National Defense Zeno Count Welser von Welsersheimb Ministry of National Defense
Railway Minister Emil von Guttenberg from January 17, 1896 Ministry of Railways
Minister (without portfolio) Edward Rittner , from January 17, 1896 Head of the Ministry of Culture and Education until September 30, 1895, Section Head

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung , Vienna, No. 229, October 2, 1895, p. 1, official part
  2. ^ Daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung , Vienna, No. 277, December 1, 1897, p. 1, official part
  3. ^ Daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung , Vienna, No. 15, January 19, 1896, official part
  4. ^ Daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung , Vienna, No. 15, January 19, 1896, official part