Minna Fuhlrott

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Minna Fuhlrott (born Minna Spieker , called Mimmi * 4. April 1898 in Linden , † 2. December 1984 in Hannover ) was a German citizen initiatives - activist and one of the most important women in the history of the city of Hanover .


Minna Fuhlrott was involved in various women's groups as early as the 1920s and was a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) during the Weimar Republic . The work of the worker after the seizure of power by the National Socialists from 1933 to 1945 has not yet been scientifically clarified.

In the post-war period , Minna Fuhlrott worked for Hanomag after 1945 .

After the Hanoverian district of Linden-Süd had been designated as "one of the first redevelopment areas in the Federal Republic" in 1972, Mimmi Fuhlrott, then over 70 years old, founded the independent citizens' initiative Linden-Süd . in the context of the alternative youth culture in Hanover in the 1970s. She was active in particular against a " clear-cutting - remediation " as for example in the Hanover district Linden-Nord on the Limmerstraße was made, where in place of the former Fanny Street with its historical buildings from small, albeit dilapidated row houses then white over time High-rise buildings with orange-colored balconies have been " inserted disharmoniously into the cityscape ". Against such clear cuts, Fuhlrott was instrumental in a careful modernization of the Linden-Süd district and a redevelopment, which also received "great public attention" nationwide and was the subject of scientific studies for social research , especially since a "concept towards the preserving Renewal without displacement “established the ancestral residents of the traditional working class district.

The Independent Citizens' Initiative Linden-Süd (UBI) founded by Fuhlrott had not only formulated its objectives "in great detail" compared to other groups of its time, it remained the only group that - unlike, for example, that only from 1973 to 1974 - despite its changing composition "Aktion Wohnungsnot" (AKWO) operating in opposition to the UBI - participated in the renovation process on a long-term and continuous basis, mainly through Mimmi Fuhlrott. She received support from the lawyer planner and lecturer at the University of Hanover, Klaus-Jürgen Holland from Oldenburg, who worked on behalf of the city administration . The long-term secretary of the citizens' initiative founded by Fuhlrott was Holland's scientific assistant at the University of Hanover at the time, Wolfgang Becker, who, in the course of the renovation, discussed projects under headings such as " Citizen participation ?" And "Counter-planning with those affected" against the city's deletion and luxury modernization. For a fee of 55 DM , he had to submit the minutes of the weekly “Tuesday Forum” to the Hanover building authority .


For her commitment to the careful redevelopment of the district, a footpath was named after the activist in 1988 through the backyard that was redesigned at the time between Deisterstrasse and Charlottenstrasse in Linden-Süd.


  • “... nothing works here without us!” Conversation with members of the citizens 'initiative “Independent Citizens' Initiative Linden-Süd” about their experiences with planning advice (February 1976) , in Joachim Brech (ed.) Citizen participation with experts. Reports and analyzes on lawyer planning (= Beltz monographs ), Weinheim; Basel: Beltz, 1978, ISBN 3-407-55515-6 , pp. 204-210

Archival material

Archival material from and about Minna Fuhlrott and the independent citizens' initiative Linden-Süd, which she founded, can be found, for example

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Helmut Zimmermann : Mimmi-Fuhlrott-Gang , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Hahnsche Buchhandlung Verlag, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 175
  2. a b c d Renate Deuter, Bodo Dringenberg : Frauenstraßennamen , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series Volume 52 (1998), pp. 431-450; here: pp. 437-438 online
  3. a b c Christine Kannenberg, Sabine Poppe (Red.): Mimmi-Fuhlrott-Gang , transcription from the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung , Stadtanzeiger Nord from August 21, 2008, in: Important women in Hanover. A help for future naming of streets, paths, squares and bridges after female personalities , ed. from the state capital Hanover, Lord Mayor, Department for Women and Equal Opportunities, Department of Planning and Urban Development, Hanover: August 2011, p. 68; downloadable as a PDF document
  4. a b c d e Karljosef Kreter (Red.): List of street names to be retained / Fuhlrott, Minna (Mimmi) , in ders .: Project Scientific consideration of eponymous personalities. Final report. Recommendations of the Advisory Board , City of Hanover, Central Culture Affairs, Urban Remembrance Culture, September 2018, p. 13; as a PDF document from hannover.de
  5. n.v . : Our district / optimistic mood in Linden-Süd , article on the Egestorffschule Hanover website [undated], last accessed on November 10, 2019
  6. Heiko Geiling : The other Hanover. Youth culture between rebellion and integration in the big city , Hannover: Offizin-Verlag, 1996, ISBN 3-930345-06-4 , p. 180
  7. a b Ursula Stein: The preservation statute as a means to maintain the social structure , in Jörg Blasius , Jens S. Dangschat (Ed.): Gentrification. The upgrading of residential areas close to the city center (= contributions to empirical social research ), ed. from the Central Archive for Empirical Social Research of the University of Cologne, Frankfurt am Main; New York: Campus-Verlag, 1990, ISBN 978-3-593-34361-7 and ISBN 3-593-34361-4 , pp. 154-174; especially p. 170; limited preview in Google Book search
  8. Margrit Krüger et al. (Ed.): Preparation of urban renewal. Case studies. Conclusions / IRPUD, Institute for Spatial Planning, Spatial Planning Department, University of Dortmund (= Dortmund Contributions to Spatial Planning , Volume 22), Dortmund: IRPUD - Dortmund, Information Circle for Spatial Planning eV (IfR), University of Dortmund, 1980, ISBN 978-3-88211- 028-9 and ISBN 3-88211-028-7 , p. 249; limited preview in Google Book search
  9. a b Wolfgang Becker: Nice and crazy. My life with bipolarity , second, changed edition 2013, Hannover: Internationalismus-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-922218-39-5 , pp. 38, 39; limited preview in Google Book search