Minna von Mädler

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Minna von Mädler (also: Maedler , née von Witte ) (born October 15, 1804 in Hanover , † March 5, 1891, ibid) was a German poet and translator .


Minna von Witte was born as the daughter of the Hanover consistorial and court councilor Christian von Witte (1773-1854). Her mother Wilhelmine Sophie Elisabeth (née Boettcher) (1777-1854) became famous for making the first moon globe in 1839, which was recognized by Alexander von Humboldt and John Herschel . The lawyer Friedrich Ernst Witte was her brother.

At the age of 16 Minna von Witte was inspired by a series of sketches by the painter Johann Heinrich Ramberg to write her first larger poem, which came out as a book in 1826 together with the sketches. As a result of a visit by the widowed Landgrave Elisabeth von Hessen-Homburg , daughter Georg III. von England , in Hanover, Minna Witte became their partner and in 1834 she published a series of sonnets with her.

In 1840 she married the astronomer Johann Heinrich Mädler . After his death in particular, she began writing her poetry from 1874. Since then she has also made a name for herself as a translator from Spanish and English .

Works (incomplete)

  • Lilli in ten songs . With 10 coppers, signed by Ramberg, Hannover 1826.
  • Genius. Imagination. Imagination. A cycle of twenty pictures based on designs by Her Royal Highness the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg, drawn by JH Ramberg . With explanatory sonnets by M [inna] W [itte], Hanover, 1834.
  • Paradise and the Peri . After Thomas Moore . 1837.
  • The psalms. Selection translated metrically . 1838.
  • Poems Reyher, Mitau 1848
  • Electricity sacrifice , poem. 1850.
  • One night's misunderstandings , According to Goldsmith . 1852.
  • Anna. A Livonian picture of life , Rümpler, Hanover 1858


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hugo Thielen: Mädler, Johann Heinrich (see literature)
  2. ^ A b Franz Brümmer : Deutsches Dichter-Lexikon . 1876, quoted from deutsche-liebeslyrik.de
  3. a b c d e f Mädler, Minna von . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 2. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 6 ( digitized version ).