Monika gap

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Monika Lücke (born Habermann; * 1958 in Berlin ) is a German historian .

Monika Lücke received her doctorate in 1985 with Walter Zöllner on the subject of studies on the High Medieval People's Crusades . She is a research assistant at the Institute for History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . Her main research interests include Lucas Cranach the Elder. Ä. and d. J. , Topography of Central German cities, mints, Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries in Central Germany. Through several scientific publications and a traveling exhibition, she became the best expert on the history of the witch hunt in Saxony-Anhalt . She is active in several associations, including on the board of the Harz Association for History and Archeology .

Works (selection)

  • Catalog of the funeral sermon collection of the St. Martini town church in Stolberg, Harz (= contributions to the regional and state culture of Saxony-Anhalt. Issue 3). Druck-Zuck-GmbH, Halle 1996, ISBN 3-928466-10-0 .
  • Historical auxiliary sciences in the present. Requirements and Perspectives. Prof. Dr. Walter Zöllner on his 65th birthday (= Halle contributions to the historical auxiliary sciences. Issue 1). Institute for History, Halle 1998.
  • "... many and many bad misdeeds ..." witch hunts on the territory of Saxony-Anhalt from 16.-18. Century. Courage, Hall 2000.
  • Numismatics. Coin studies and monetary history (= Halle contributions to the historical auxiliary sciences. Issue 2). Institute for History, Halle 2002.
  • "The mark of 13 Reichstaler and 8 Groschen will be retained". The old mint in Stolberg (Harz). Numismatischer Verlag, Leipzig 2004, ISBN 3-9809196-0-9 .
  • with Claudia C. Hennrich: Juliana - an “Orange” from Stolberg in the Harz region. Stolberger Geschichts- und Traditionsverein, Stolberg (Harz) 2006, ISBN 3-928466-78-X .
  • 800 years of Nauendorf 1207–2007. Festschrift. Heimatverein Nauendorf, Nauendorf 2007.
  • with Reiner Cunz and Ulf Dräger: Interdisciplinary conference on the history of modern metal money production. Project reports and research results. Contributions to the conference in Stolberg (Harz) in April 2006 (= treatises of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Vol. 59/60). 2 volumes. Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Braunschweig 2008, ISBN 978-3-87707-744-3 , ISBN 978-3-87707-752-8 .
  • with Dietrich Lücke: burned for her sorcery sake. Hunting of witches in the early modern period in the area of ​​Saxony-Anhalt. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle 2011, ISBN 978-3-89812-828-5 .
  • with Wilfried Matzdorf: The shaped reformer: Thomas Müntzer in numismatics; Catalog listing the special numismatic collection of the Mühlhausen museums . published by Thomas T. Müller, Thomas-Müntzer-Gesellschaft TMG, Mühlhausen 2012, ISBN 978-3-935547-50-5 (= publications of the Thomas-Müntzer-Gesellschaft No. 17).
  • (with Christof Römer ): Germania Benedictina X 1-2. The Benedictine monasteries in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony , St. Ottilien 2012


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helmut Schubert: Eligius Prize 2008: Monika Lücke . German Numismatic Society . Retrieved May 2, 2019.