Moody Awori

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Arthur Moody Awori (born December 5, 1927 in Butere ) is a Kenyan politician of the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC), who was Vice President of Kenya between 2003 and 2008.


Arthur Moody Awori, a member of the Luhya from Western Province , first attended Mang'u High School and then Kakamega School. He later worked as a businessman and property developer and studied at Makerere University in Uganda . He was originally a member of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) and became a member of Kenya for the first time in the 1983 elections and represented the constituency of Funyula after his re-elections in 1983, 1988, 1992 and 1997 . During the term of office of President Daniel arap Moi he took on various government offices and between January 1983 and January 1993 was initially Vice Minister for Tourism and Wildlife and then between January 1993 and January 1997 Vice Minister in the office of President Arap Moi, before he was last in his government From January 1997 to December 2002 he was Vice Minister for Education.

Before the election on December 27, 2002, Awori left the former KANU unity party and joined the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) founded by Raila Odinga , Charity Ngilu , Mwai Kibaki and Michael Kijana Wamalwa . On December 27, 2002, Kibaki won the presidential election as a candidate for the opposition NARC with 62.3 percent, clearly against the candidate of the previously ruling KANU, Uhuru Kenyatta , who fell by 31.2 percent. Third-placed Simeon Nyachae from the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-People (FORD-People) received just 5.9 percent. In the parliamentary elections that took place at the same time, the NARC won 125 of the 210 seats with a turnout of 55.9 percent and thus had an absolute majority in the National Assembly, in which KANU sent 64 members and FORD-People 14 members. Awori himself was re-elected as a member of the Funyula constituency .

After Mwai Kibaki was sworn in as the new president on December 30, 2002, he formed his government on December 3, 2003, which included Michael Kijana Wamalwa as vice president, Kalonzo Musyoka as foreign minister, David Mwiraria as finance minister and Moody Awori as interior minister. After Vice President Wamalwa passed away on August 23, 2003, he was appointed Vice President on September 25, 2003 by President Kibaki as his successor and continued to hold the office of Minister of the Interior. During his parliamentary membership, he was Vice-President at the same time Leader of the Government Business and Chairman of the House Business Committee as well as Chairman of the Parliamentary Service Commission .

In January 2006, reports on the Anglo leasing scandal were published in the Daily Motion and Standard newspapers . In the Anglo leasing scandal, around 85 million euros disappeared through subsequent financial transfers to a number of front companies. A third of the 30 million euros involved the purchase of forgery-proof identity cards. According to a statement by John Githongo , the country's "anti-corruption czar", some of the money (US $ 4.7 million on June 7, 2004) was returned to government accounts via dark channels - apparently from the fictional company Anglo Leasing through a Zurich bank. Other scandals such as the corrupt acquisition of a warship - also in the field of semi-public companies - came to light. In particular, Githongo even accused Vice President Moody Awori and the resigned or dismissed ministers David Mwiraria (finance), Kiraitu Murungi (energy) and Chris Murungaru (security and transport) and other politicians of corruption. As a result of the publication in the BBC and the reprint of the talks in the Kenyan newspapers, Vice-President Awori and other ministers and state secretaries were summoned at the end of February 2006. On March 30, 2006, the speaker of the parliament allowed the PAC report, which, along with Vice-President Awori, was to accuse well-known government representatives of corruption and which many government representatives in parliament were to suppress, for discussion. According to this report, President Kibaki himself is not involved in the scandal, but was informed early on by Githongo. In April 2006, Justice Minister Martha Karua declared in parliament to a standing ovation from the government faction and opposition that the government had accepted the PAC report as the basis for its fight against corruption in government and administration.

While Mwai Kibaki was re-elected President of the Republic of Kenya with 47 percent of Raila Odinga (44 percent) and Kalonzo Musyoka (9 percent) in the presidential elections on December 27, 2007, Arthur Moody Awori retired from political life. In the cabinet presented by President Kibaki on January 8, 2008 and sworn in on January 10, 2008, Kalonzo Musyoka was appointed Vice-President and Minister of the Interior as successor to Awori, while Moses Wetangula became Foreign Minister, Yusuf Haji Minister of Defense and George Saitoti became Minister of Internal Security. Amos Kimunya remained Minister of Finance.

Moody Awori, who received an honorary doctorate in law from the University of New Hampshire , is a brother of the Ugandan politician Aggrey Awori .

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Individual evidence

  1. Kenya: December 27, 2002 (
  2. Kenya: January 3, 2003
  3. Kenya: September 25, 2003 (
  4. Kenya: December 27, 2007 (
  5. Kenya: January 8, 2008 (