Moritz of Liechtenstein

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Moritz Prince of Liechtenstein

Moritz Joseph Johann Baptist Prince of Liechtenstein (born July 21, 1775 in Vienna ; † March 24, 1819 ) was a Lieutenant Field Marshal in the Austrian Army.


Moritz von Liechtenstein belonged to the so-called Charles Line of the House of Liechtenstein . He was the fourth son of Field Marshal Prince Karl von Liechtenstein (1730–1789) and his wife Marie Eleonore von Oettingen-Spielberg (1745–1812).

Like his father, Moritz embarked on a military career. Here he was said to have bravery but also a certain degree of recklessness and a somewhat wild temperament.

Moritz von Liechtenstein married Marie Leopoldine Esterházy von Galánthá (1788–1846), a daughter of Prince Nicholas II Esterházy (1765–1833) , in 1806 . With her he had three daughters and a son.

Military career

Knight's Cross of the Military Maria Theresa Order
Apelstein No. 26 in Leipzig
for Moritz von Liechtenstein

At the beginning of the Second Coalition War Moritz von Liechtenstein was promoted to colonel in 1799 and commanded the Uhlan Regiment No. 2 "Prince von Schwarzenberg" from 1799 to the beginning of 1805 . With this unit he successfully took part in the following battles: the Battle of Stockach (March 25, 1799), the First Battle of Zurich (June 4-7, 1799), the storming of the Neckarauer Schanze in Mannheim (September 18, 1799) , the battle near Heidelberg (October 16, 1799), the battle near Meßkirch (May 5, 1800) and the battle of retreat near Lambach (December 19, 1800). Here he was overpowered and captured by the hussar Loevenbruck des 5 e régiment de hussards .

For his talented leadership of the regiment in these campaigns, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Maria Theresa Order on August 18, 1801 .

When the Third Coalition War broke out in 1805, he was promoted to major general and took part in the Battle of Austerlitz (December 2, 1805), where he was the 2nd mixed cavalry brigade (8 Austrian squadrons and 10 Russian squadrons) in the Russian-Austrian General Buxhoeveden's corps commanded.

In 1809 he was promoted to Lieutenant Field Marshal and appointed owner of the 6 Cuirassier Regiment , which he remained until his death.

During the Wars of Liberation from 1813 to 1815, Prince Moritz von Liechtenstein commanded a light division (4 battalions and 16 squadrons with 12 guns, a total of 5,000 men) and took part in the Battle of Dresden (August 26-27, 1813) Battle of the Nations near Leipzig (October 16-19, 1813) and the campaign of the allies in France in 1814. Apelstein No. 26 in Leipzig-Plagwitz commemorates the battle of this unit in the Battle of Nations on October 16, 1813, in which the village of Kleinzschocher was conquered and the prince was wounded .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mv Liechtenstein at
  2. ^ Theodor Apel: Guide to the battlefields of Leipzig in October 1813 and their landmarks. Hoffmann, Leipzig 1863, pp. 58/59 ( as PDF file )