Musée d'Art Américain

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The Musée d'Art Américain was a private museum in Giverny that displayed American art from the 19th and 20th centuries.


The museum was created on the initiative of the American art collector Daniel J. Terra , who had previously founded the Terra Museum of American Art in the US state of Illinois . Both museums were supported by the umbrella organization Terra Foundation for American Art , whose aim is to make American art of the 19th and early 20th centuries known to a broader public. Daniel J. Terra gave this foundation his own extensive art collection and exhibited the works in his two museums.

The museum in Giverny was built near the long-time residence of the French painter Claude Monet . A number of American painters had settled here at the end of the 19th century and formed an artist colony there. In order to present the work of these artists in Europe, Terra founded the Musée d'Art Américain and had a museum built by Reichen et Robert according to plans by the architect Philippe Robert , which was opened in 1992. The museum continued to exist for years after Terra's death in 1996, but was closed at the end of 2008 after the museum in Chicago had previously ended its exhibition activities. The Terra Foundation's works have since been loaned to other museums. The museum building in Giverny has been used by the newly founded Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny since 2009 .


  • 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996: Impressions de toujours: les peintres américains en France, 1865–1915 (the exhibition was repeated several times)
  • 1993: Regard sur Maurice Brazil Prendergast (exhibition on Maurice Prendergast )
  • 1994: Regard sur James Abbott McNeill Whistler (exhibition on James McNeill Whistler )
  • 1995: Regard sur Winslow Homer (exhibition on Winslow Homer )
  • 1996: Regard sur Mary Cassatt (exhibition on Mary Cassatt )
  • 1997: Un regard américain sur Paris (American artist in Paris)
  • 1997: American Artists at Giverny (American artists in Giverny)
  • 1998: Images of the Spirit: Photographs by Graciela Iturbide (Photographs by Graciela Iturbide )
  • 1998: Roxy Paine (exhibition Roxy Paine )
  • 1999: Ville et campagne: les artistes américains, 1870–1920 (American art 1870–1920)
  • 1999: Robert Capa: Photographs (photographs by Robert Capa )
  • 2000: Rivières et rivages: les artistes américains, 1850–1900 (American art 1850–1900)
  • 2000: John Henry Twachtman: Impressionist Painter as Printmaker (exhibition on John Henry Twachtman )
  • 2000: Theodore Robinson: esquisses et photographies (exhibition on Theodore Robinson )
  • 2000: The Giverny Garden Projects (exhibition on the gardens in Giverny)
  • 2000: Giverny: Inside and Out (landscapes and interiors by American painters in Giverny)
  • 2000: L'Amérique et les Modernes, 1900–1950 (American art 1900–1950)
  • 2000: American Artists and the Illustrated Book (American artist and book illustrations)
  • 2001: L'Héroïque et le quotidien: les artistes américains, 1820–1920 (American art 1820–1920)
  • 2001: Giverny au fil des saisons (artist in Giverny in all seasons)
  • 2001: Mary et Frederick MacMonnies: un atelier à Giverny (exhibition on Mary Fairchild Low and Frederick William MacMonnies )
  • 2001: When There Were Trees: livres illustrés de Michelle Burgess (book illustrations by Michele Burgess )
  • 2001: Anne Ryan: collages (exhibition on Anne Ryan )
  • 2001: Milbert, Lesueur, Tocqueville: le voyage en Amérique, 1815–1845 (pictures of the trip to America by Jacques-Gérard Milbert , Charles Alexandre Lesueur and Alexis de Tocqueville 1815–1845)
  • 2001: Les Ambassadrices du progrès: photographes américaines à Paris, 1900–1901 (American photographers in Paris 1900–1901)
  • 2001: Louise Bourgeois: livres illustrés (book illustrations by Louise Bourgeois )
  • 2002: D'une colonie à une collection: le Musée d'Art Américain Giverny fête ses 10 ans (special exhibition of the Terra Collection to mark the 10th anniversary of the Musée d'Art Américain)
  • 2002: Jasper Johns: Prints from Four Decades (Print by Jasper Johns )
  • 2002: Paris-New York, aller-retour (American Art 1880–1940)
  • 2002: Transatlantic Visions: Twentieth-Century American Photographs (American photographs of the 20th century)
  • 2002: Le Japonisme en Amérique: œuvres sur paper, 1880–1930 (Japonism in America: works on paper 1880–1930)
  • 2003: American Beauty: Painting and Sculpture from the Detroit Institute of Arts, 1770–1920 (paintings and sculptures from the Detroit Institute of Arts )
  • 2003: Œuvres de la Terra Foundation for the Arts et du Detroit Institute of Arts (works from the Terra Foundation and the Detroit Institute of Arts)
  • 2003: Giverny en fleurs (painting with floral motifs from Giverny)
  • 2003: Une amitié d'artistes: Beauford Delaney et Lawrence Calcagno (exhibition on Beauford Delaney and Lawrence Calcagno )
  • 2003: Le Travail à l'œuvre: les artistes américains, 1840–1940 (American art 1840–1940)
  • 2003: Paris, capitale de l'Amérique: l'avant-garde américaine à Paris, 1918–1939 (American artists in Paris 1918–1938)
  • 2004: Visages de l'Amérique: de George Washington à Marilyn Monroe (American portraits from George Washington to Marilyn Monroe )
  • 2004: En plein air: personnages dans un paysage (landscape painting)
  • 2004: Edward Hopper: The Paris Years, 1906–1910 (exhibition on Edward Hopper )
  • 2004: Un Américain chez les Nabis: Thomas Buford Meteyard (exhibition on Thomas Buford Meteyard )
  • 2004: Livres d'artistes américains en Europe, 1960–2000 (book art by American artists in Europe 1960–2000)
  • 2005: Mary Cassatt, Impressions (print by Mary Cassatt )
  • 2005: From Homer to Hopper: Drawings and Watercolors from the Princeton University Art Museum (drawings and watercolors from Winslow Homer to Edward Hopper from the Princeton University Art Museum )
  • 2005 and 2006: Le Passage à Paris: les artistes américains en France, 1860–1930 (American artists in France 1860–1930)
  • 2005 and 2006: La Scène américaine, 1860–1930 (American painting 1860–1930)
  • 2005: La France collectionne: art américain du musée de Blérancourt (American art from the Musée de la coopération franco-américaine in Blérancourt )
  • 2006: Three Roads Taken: The Photographs of Paul Strand (photographs by Paul Strand )
  • 2006: Winslow Homer: Poet of the Sea (exhibition on Winslow Homer)
  • 2007: Giverny impressionniste: une colonie d'artistes, 1885–1915 (Impressionist artist colony in Giverny 1885–1915)
  • 2007: Visions de l'Ouest: photographies de l'exploration américaine, 1860–1880 (photographs of America from French collections 1860–1880)
  • 2007: Le Temps des loisirs: peintures américaines (American painting)
  • 2008: Portrait of a Lady: American Paintings and Photographs in France, 1870–1915 (American painting and photography 1870–1915)
  • 2008: Le Temps des loisirs: peintures américaines (American painting)
  • 2008: American Art on the Silver Screen (American painting in the cinema)


  • Wendy Greenhouse: Un regard transatlantique: la collection d'art américain de Daniel J. Terra . Biro, Paris 2002, ISBN 0-932171-26-5 .
  • Katherine M. Bourguignon: Giverny impressionniste: une colonie d'artistes, 1885-1915 . Musée d'Art Américain, Terra Foundation for American Art, Réunion des musées nationaux, Paris 2007, ISBN 978-2-7118-5323-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. For the history of the museum, see information on the website of the Terra Foundation for American Art
  2. ^ Directory of the museum's exhibition on the Terra Foundation for American Art website