Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minervois

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Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minervois is a French sweet wine that belongs to the Vins Doux Naturels family. A sweet Muscat wine is produced in the municipality of Saint-Jean-de-Minervois . The area lies within the Denomination of Origin Minervois , halfway between the communes of Saint-Chinian and Faugères in the Hérault department .

The vineyards are at an altitude of 220 m above sea level. NN at the foot of the Montagne Noire . This mountain range weakens the climatic influence of the Mediterranean Sea.

The soil consists of a heavily calcareous clay. The clay is of boulders alpine origin from the era of the Eocene (see lutetium interspersed). However, the slate soils of the region are not used for growing this type of wine.

The regulation requires that the must contains at least 252 g of sugar per liter (see must weight ), which already corresponds to a selection level. Its fermentation is by the addition of 95% alcohol stopped. At least 125 g of unfermented sugar per liter must remain in the wine . The basic yield is very low at 28 hl / ha. However, this rule has often been violated since the 1991 vintage, so that the yield is currently around 28–30 hl / ha.

The Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minervois , for which only the Muscat grape variety Muscat blanc à petits grains is permitted, has had its own Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC for short) since November 10, 1949 . When the area received appellation status in 1949, there were still 3 winemakers interested in the product. In the first year only 56 hectoliters of wine were produced on an area of ​​4 hectares. In 2005, around 5,330 hectoliters of wine were produced on 188 hectares . 35 winegrowers are affiliated with the local winegrowers' cooperative . In addition, 7 winemakers market their products themselves.
