My Rainbow Race

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My Rainbow Race
Pete Seeger
publication 1973
length 3:43 min
Genre (s) Folk
Author (s) Pete Seeger
album Rainbow Race
Cover version
1973 Lillebjørn Nilsen

My Rainbow Race is a song by the American folk singer Pete Seeger . It was released on his 1973 album Rainbow Race . A Norwegian version by the songwriter Lillebjørn Nilsen under the title Barn av regnbuen ( Children of the Rainbow ) appeared in the same year. It took first place in the Norwegian charts for 11 weeks and has been popular as a children's song ever since .

Public singing in Oslo

On April 26, 2012 Nilsen played the song at the Youngstorget in Oslo . This was in response to a statement by assassin Anders Behring Breivik during his trial after the 2011 attacks in Norway : he had described the song, which promoted peace and equality for all, as “Marxist” propaganda intended to “brainwash” Norwegian children will be used. After a call on Facebook , over 40,000 people gathered in Oslo and other cities in Norway to sing the song together. The culture ministers of Norway, Finland , Iceland , Denmark and the Faroe Islands - Anniken Huitfeldt , Paavo Arhinmäki , Katrín Jakobsdóttir , Uffe Elbæk , Bjørn Kalsø - and Halldór Ásgrímsson , Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers, also took part in the event.

Pete Seeger was touched by the effect his song was having in Norway and sent Nilsen to tell the crowd that he wished them good luck. On May 3, his 93rd birthday, he sang the song in an unofficial setting and sent a video recording of it to Nilsen, which he published on his website.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tens of thousands of Norwegians sing against Breivik. In: . April 26, 2012, archived from the original on April 29, 2012 ; Retrieved June 23, 2012 .
  2. ^ Pages of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture , accessed June 23, 2012
  3. Tone Staude: Sendte 's sky full av stjerner ". In: Norsk rikskringkasting . May 8, 2012, Retrieved June 23, 2012 (Norwegian).